gonna smoke 2 bu.tts Saturday. Questions

Lol...Tony. Wild game is always ok in a smoker.

well Butts went on at 4:20am, I put meat probe in at 9:20 am-big butt IT at 165, now at 10:35 172.... waiting for the stall.

my temp swings have been 215-252, but I tweeked it a bit and now I range from 220-239.

Question, now that the meat is in the 170s IT I can take the meat probe from one to another without cross-contamination right?
I don't think at that temperature that cross contamination will be an issue.  And at 180 to not have a stall yet, sounds like a lucky smoke to me!
Sorry this is kind of late - Bob, don't be worried about the high stall temp.  I usually find (on larger pork butts) that I don't hit the stall until about 185-186.  After it hits that, it will stall out, and even drop back to the 183 range for several hours.  Kind of freaked me out the first time I had one stall this high, but now I expect it.  Hope it's going ok for you!
:DThe first butt came out at 2:30 ....it was on bottom rack just above the fire box. Bottom burnre but very good.  The other is stalled at 174 now for 3 hours.  All is well. My wife is gonna help me out with posting pics... I made my own finishing sauce. Wifey loves it. She said the butt is her favorite of all of my cooks. Probably because while waiting I painted deck, trimmed trees, weeded ,etc.... ;)
The cooler is almost empty and a couple pals stopped by to say hey and drink a couple of my Miller Lites-ohhhh.....and try some beast!