gonna smoke 2 bu.tts Saturday. Questions


New member
ok.... I am gonna attempt to smoke 2 butts on Saturday - gonna pick them up tomorrow.

Here is my plan:

1. rub and rest in fridge tomorrow.
2. set smoker at 225
3. butts go in around 7 am.
4. 4-5 0z of hickory / cherry combo.
5. not gonna wrap- Will it get too dry?
6. will put in a mini loaf pan with beer.
7. maverick will be used.
8. sorry - not gonna brine this time Divot.
9. cook to 200 internal temp.
10. wrap and rest for 1/2 hour.
11. eat by 7pm. will it take longer than 1.5 hours a pound for two butts in smoker?
* gonna make a finishing sauce with a recipe off of smokingmeatforums.com
Hey Big Bob,

If you are using a loaf pan with beer, there is no need to wrap and this method will not dry out the meat.  If you choose to wrap, you would do so to shorten a stall as it is not needed to lock in moisture.  You can also inject the butt or marinade it using Tony's (DM) approach.

The last butt I smoked was 10 lbs and it took 22 long hours.  Generally the 1.5 hour rule per pound is a rule of thumb, but every butt is different.  As well, most will smoke at 225, since you are setting at 200, you should anticipate a longer smoke.

In regards to the sauce on the forum, if it is the one posted by DM, it is amazing and a great pair with pulled pork.  Keep in mind that it is a bit spicy, therefore you may consider cutting down on the cayenne pepper and adding to taste.

Looking forward to some picks.
thanks smoke..... I plan to get a couple 6.5lbers if possible, those shouldn't take too long huh?. So - you think I should maybe start my smoke earlier....? two butts should not be a problem right?

I don't have to inject the butts though.... they will still be plenty moist right?
Sounds like a solid plan, Bob.  I've found that 2 pieces, of approximately the same weight, don't take any longer than one.  I learned this by cutting briskets in half to fit my #1. 

As far as injecting or not, no, you don't have to on a pork butt.  Make sure you get bone-in Boston butts.  The cut is superior for pulled pork, imo.  There's plenty of internal fat & connective tissue to keep the meat moist.  The brining process I used last week, however, took it off the charts on the moisture meter.  I would recommend giving it a mustard/rub coating and letting it "get happy" in the fridge overnight, though.

When you put them in, watch temp and don't open the door until done!  No wrapping, spritzing, fiddling of any kind necessary.  You won't be disappointed with the bark or the quality of the pulled pork! 

Whoever eats pulled pork, the way you're going to smoke it, will be amazed.  The quality/taste/moisture/tenderness is way above what "most" people experience at your average BBQ joint.  Believe me, you'll be a tougher critic than anyone else! ;)

Smokester - thanks a bunch for the cudos on the sauce!  My clan prefers over any others I've used, so that makes me happy to hear a good review!
Thanks guys.... I am excited about the pulledpork and I will post pics of the (successful) cook!! Any other suggestions are appreciated. I will look for your sauce recipe.
Here you go, Bob - I have it in the St Louis section.

About the sauce, all I have to say is that a single batch is not enough.  You should consider doubling the recipe because it doesn't last long in my house.  It's that GOOD!!!
Bob...I have done a couple of 7# butts and they took longer than 12 hours, so I don't trust the 1.5hrs/lb rule.  If you can, I would suggest starting the smoker earlier (5am?) and when they finish, just wrap and hold until you are ready to eat at 7pm.  Give yourself extra time on the front end so that you don't run out of time on the back end!  Good luck, and let us know how they turned out.
Thanks Steve and Tony (s).... I got two 8# butts.  I thinking about putting them in tonite at midnight and try to sleep...lol. I really don't want to do an overnite smoke.... maybe get up at 4am that would give me 15hrs before the target time of 7ish pm.
Fat side up. ...correct?    Gonna put Redd's Apple ale in the mini loaf pan.  A little of both beer and apple juice.
Yep, but do all your prep tonight!  I learned to have everything laid out, smoker prepped (with wood in the box), juice pan out, ...everything except the meat...out on the counter the night before!  I even make a little checklist to lay out so I don't forget something at 4 am!

Drip pan
water pan

Amazing how easy it is to forget one of the components that early! :-[  One time, I forgot to poke a hole in my foil on the bottom, and didn't remember it until about an hour in (pot of coffee)!  It was not fun getting that hole in a loaded smoker!  That's why I try to do all the night before now! 
funny you say that Tony... just did it all  ;) I think. I have about 3oz & 1.5 oz of the cherry I bought from Steve... I plan to get up and stay with the smoker until I am confident all systems are go..... then try to catch some zzzzzzz -then about 5-6 hrs in I will switch racks from middle to bottom and vice versa so both butts get to be close to the element.... will let you know!
Hehe...I guess great minds think alike! ;)  Unfortunately, I learned the hard way on a couple of early morning smokes, but am much more organized now!  Can't wait to hear the results!!
On a few occasions when I did an overnight smoke, I had a few local visitors come by to observe.  The little paw print were a dead giveaway.  I think they realized that my meat was off limits otherwise they may be a target for my next smoke.