swthorpe said:Just go with it. The stall is usually around 170-180, so you are probably experiencing the stall now. When you reach your desired IT, you could also use another temp probe just to check the IT. But, given when you started the butt, it sounds about right to me.
SuperDave said:Derek, it sounds like you are having a great first smoke with no issues and you'll be able to eat at a reasonable hour. Just don't get spoiled and expect them all to be this easy. Lol!
SuperDave said:Derek, did you just pull it at 190 because that was your set temp or did you do a bone wiggle to make sure it was ready?
He learned early from dad that kitchen help gets early taste tests.barelfly said:The best part of this photo is the little guy helping!
SuperDave said:He learned early from dad that kitchen help gets early taste tests.barelfly said:The best part of this photo is the little guy helping!