Food for football

We know that GB is limping into this game with a lot of injuries.  Does Atlanta have any significant people missing the game?  We've seen what Rodgers looks like with no weapons at receiver before.  :P
SuperDave said:
We know that GB is limping into this game with a lot of injuries.  Does Atlanta have any significant people missing the game?  We've seen what Rodgers looks like with no weapons at receiver before.  :P

Well as far as offense, Julio's turf toe is something he's battled most of the season but he'll still play. Other than that, there are no injuries. The last time they played each other Atlanta was without part of their 2 headed running back monster, Tevin Coleman. He's back. On defense we're missing our supposed "shut down" corner, Desmond Trufant. I hate that term BTW. Shut Down corner my tail, lol. Richard Sherman is supposed to be a shut down corner yet Julio eats his lunch on the regular. He gets caught holding Julio repeatedly but more often than not he gets away with it. The last time they played, the Falcons and GB both had 3 sacks each. Two of Atlanta's came from Adrian Clayborn but he had season ending surgery. Green Bay didn't play Clay Matthews in the first game, I don't know his status for tomorrow.

Both teams have injuries just like both teams in the AFC have injuries. I think Green Bay may be the worst off of all and I'm sure when the Falcons win, the pundits and talking heads will attribute it more to the Packers being gimpy than Atlanta just winning. It's how Atlanta is treated by the media, always has been. So......we shall see tomorrow! RISE UP!!! ;)
We (Pack) do have significant injuries to our starters and "star" players. But...every team can make that claim at this point in the season. And...the Pack just keep pulling it off somehow. They are scrappers. I think the Pack is in worse shape injury-wise than anyone else in the running. That being said, I will be having baby backs, with Famous Dave's rub with added brown sugar. (That is very unusual, because I always make may own rub.) Fresh baked multi-grain rolls and cucumber salad. Go Pack! ;D
I love it Kari! I have a ton of respect for the Pack, great fans like yourself. Win or lose, both teams have had a heck of a season to make it this far.
While it is more fun when your teams wins, it sounds like we will all win when it comes to enjoying some good food and time with family & friends. Eat up and enjoy the day! I thought that I should add Tony's check list as a reminder for everyone.

1.  Foil in place? Check!
2.  Hole poked foil for drip hole?  (I failed to do this once, early-on, and it was a real nightmare trying to get it done, once the smoker was hot!) Check!
3.  Drip pan in place?  Check!
4.  Water pan in place, on the floor of the smoker, touching the smoke box?  Check!
5.  Plenty of Beer in the fridge? Check!
Let’s rock and roll!  Check!
JustChillin said:
While it is more fun when your teams wins, it sounds like we will all win when it comes to enjoying some good food and time with family & friends. Eat up and enjoy the day! I thought that I should add Tony's check list as a reminder for everyone.

1.  Foil in place? Check!
2.  Hole poked foil for drip hole?  (I failed to do this once, early-on, and it was a real nightmare trying to get it done, once the smoker was hot!) Check!
3.  Drip pan in place?  Check!
4.  Water pan in place, on the floor of the smoker, touching the smoke box?  Check!
5.  Plenty of Beer in the fridge? Check!
Let’s rock and roll!  Check!

Yes indeedy, all good things to check for. Much better than a "Discount Double Check"!  ;D ;D ;) :)
Kari, my daughter travels to Madison yearly for work and told me that the people there a the nicest people on the earth. Is that true?
JustChillin said:
Kari, my daughter travels to Madison yearly for work and told me that the people there a the nicest people on the earth. Is that true?

Very true. I like to use the example of when there is a lane closure, and you need to merge to a single right lane. People will merge and get in line miles ahead of time, even though there is a long stretch of open lane on the left. We wait our turn and don't butt in line. And even if you do accidentally get in the wrong lane, people will happily let you back in, unless of course you have Illinois plates and you try to go all the way to the front before merging in. Then we unite against that guy! ;D ;D I've never seen such politeness and patience on the road in any other city.
5 hours at 225, no peeking. Perfectly moist and tender. Baby backs were done at halftime. So were the Packers. :'(


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SconnieQ said:
5 hours at 225, no peeking. Perfectly moist and tender. Baby backs were done at halftime. So were the Packers. :'(

The ribs look great, the Packers? Not so much. Like I was telling Tony and others on Facebook, the body language and facial expressions on those boys showed they were tired and just wanted to get out of the GA Dome and go home. I have NEVER seen Rodgers that way. That first half just broke their spirit I believe. I'm all for the Falcons going to the Super Bowl but I wasn't expecting the Pack to be so disinterested in winning. I will give credit to Jordy for suiting up, the man is a warrior! Stupid for GB to allow their star to risk severe injury, but a herculean effort just to be out there running. It was amazing! He must've been on some GOOD stuff, lol!

The thing is with the great franchises like Green Bay, New England, San Fran (of old), Pittsburgh and even Dallas (ugh!) is that there is a history of winning, a culture. There's also trophies in the trophy case! So, the odds of GB just falling out of grace and becoming the Jaguars are slim to none, lol. Your team will be competitive for a long while. The Falcons, on the other hand, have been perennial losers with a couple of bright spots along the way so this is all new to them as well as the fans. I am going to enjoy this success and this feeling for as long as I can for it may be a one off deal. We went to the Super Bowl back in 99 under Dan Reeves and it took us until now to get back! Strangely enough with another head coach named Dan, lol. What's up with the Dan factor? Hmmmmm. At any rate, I hope for a Falcons Super Bowl victory. I will be blown away to say the least!
Kari those are some good looking ribs. My ribs turned out tender and moist but everyone got to them before any pictures were taken. For Falcons fans it was a good game but I agree with Tony, GB will be back before the Birds based on our history.
RG said:
SconnieQ said:
5 hours at 225, no peeking. Perfectly moist and tender. Baby backs were done at halftime. So were the Packers. :'(

The ribs look great, the Packers? Not so much. Like I was telling Tony and others on Facebook, the body language and facial expressions on those boys showed they were tired and just wanted to get out of the GA Dome and go home. I have NEVER seen Rodgers that way. That first half just broke their spirit I believe. I'm all for the Falcons going to the Super Bowl but I wasn't expecting the Pack to be so disinterested in winning. I will give credit to Jordy for suiting up, the man is a warrior! Stupid for GB to allow their star to risk severe injury, but a herculean effort just to be out there running. It was amazing! He must've been on some GOOD stuff, lol!

The thing is with the great franchises like Green Bay, New England, San Fran (of old), Pittsburgh and even Dallas (ugh!) is that there is a history of winning, a culture. There's also trophies in the trophy case! So, the odds of GB just falling out of grace and becoming the Jaguars are slim to none, lol. Your team will be competitive for a long while. The Falcons, on the other hand, have been perennial losers with a couple of bright spots along the way so this is all new to them as well as the fans. I am going to enjoy this success and this feeling for as long as I can for it may be a one off deal. We went to the Super Bowl back in 99 under Dan Reeves and it took us until now to get back! Strangely enough with another head coach named Dan, lol. What's up with the Dan factor? Hmmmmm. At any rate, I hope for a Falcons Super Bowl victory. I will be blown away to say the least!

If the Packers were going to take a dive like this Crosby should have just shanked that last kick in the Dallas game. I am not saying Dallas would have been the Falcons, but I know they would have given them more of a game then the Packers did.

I am a Falcons fan all the way now!!!

And go Packers next year!!! I do like the Packers because I despise the Minnesota ViQueens.
Football brings out the passion in us just as BBQ does! I am glad to have you guys as an accomplice in both :)
RG said:
SconnieQ said:
Go Falcons! ;D

Thank You Ma'am!! Very classy of you!! Most Packers fans are great but I do know a few obnoxious ones, lol. Same with every team I suppose.

I have not heard one negative thing here today, either in person by fans, or in the local news media. The fact that we were 4-6, I think everyone was grateful for the extended season, and just the chance at the Superbowl when all seemed lost early on. Lots of praise from fans for a great season by the Pack. I don't know if Dallas would have been a better match-up, or if the Pack were that bad, but I don't think either one gives enough credit to ATL, which just has a good and balanced team this year, and would have kicked butt either way.
Additional support for the people of Madison being the nicest people on earth. We also have a lot of good fans that support their teams win or lose. In my house we are GA Tech fans, therefore we have much experience on being gracious after a loss. Hats of to the GB fans!!
The Falcons put a good ol' fashion whoopin' on my beloved Packers, for sure!  Now that the season's over, I'm a huge Falcons fan!  Of course, I always say that my favorite football team is whoever is playing the Cheatriots Patriots!  I'd love to see Matt Ryan take Deflator Brady down a notch!
It should be a fun game. I obviously am rooting for the Falcons and I have faith in them to win but it will be a tall order I am sure. The Pats are the darlings of the NFL so I am just praying for a well called game and that the refs don't do the usual and show HUGE favoritism to the Pats and Brady. The GB game was called pretty good, both teams got away with a few holds and such but that's normal. If they called a penalty every time they saw one, the game would take about 6 hours to play, lol. If it gets called even, I like the Falcons chances. I don't think the Pats have come up against anything like the Falcons this year so they might get quite a shock if the Birds are on their game. I expect the Falcons to be laser focused, these types of opportunities don't come along very often.

Tony & Kari and all of you rooting the Falcons on, I am glad to know we have a few more on our side!