Food for football


New member
I am thinking of cooking some ribs for Sunday's  game (Falcons - Green Bay). We really like GB and their fans but needless to say hoping for a Falcons win. The best way to enjoy a weekend is smoking meat and watching football with friends and family.
David, my man! Good to see a fellow Falcons fan on here! I think we will dominate Sunday and be on our way to the Super Bowl! At least that's what I WANT to happen. I don't think it'll be a low scoring affair either ;) I hope A-Rod doesn't outgun us, he's been on a roll lately but I trust in MR2 to get the job done :)

Good luck on the ribs, post some pics if you have a chance to take any. If you're like me, you'll be too busy to get any pics during all of the commotion.

Oh yeah.....GO FALCONS!!
Two good matchups in the championships.  Green Bay and Pittsburgh are both on streaks and both are going up against teams with better records.  Hard to say who's going to win.  It would be nice to see Atlanta win it all considering the other three have won recently.
Kari - The Falcons are over due and deserve this one. I should be a fun game. BTW, I have an old die hard Cheesehead living across the street from me. Might invite him over for some ribs.
I am not necessarily a Falcons fan, but I am rooting for them because the stupid Packers beat my Cowboys again! ;)
Man, I'm getting ganged up on here! Where's DM Tony when I need him! I can relate to Atlanta's plight. Packers fans lived it in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. But Rodgers isn't getting any younger, and with his talent, he should have had more titles (stupid Brady and his 4). Anyway, if Atlanta wins I will be rooting for them in the SB. Getting tired of NE winning all the time for sure. And the controversy that seems to always surround them. I like the Steelers as a team in general, but not when they are playing an NFC team. ;)
SconnieQ said:
Man, I'm getting ganged up on here! Where's DM Tony when I need him! I can relate to Atlanta's plight. Packers fans lived it in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. But Rodgers isn't getting any younger, and with his talent, he should have had more titles (stupid Brady and his 4). Anyway, if Atlanta wins I will be rooting for them in the SB. Getting tired of NE winning all the time for sure. And the controversy that seems to always surround them. I like the Steelers as a team in general, but not when they are playing an NFC team. ;)

I will say that if GB wins, I will be behind them. Great team, well ran, well coached, one of the greatest QBs to ever play the game. They are a very dangerous team and Atlanta sports in general seem to be cursed so it will disappoint me if they (the Falcons) let me down yet again but it will not surprise me. As for NE, it's a dynasty. They have been so good for so long, controversy or not, it's amazing. I would LOVE to see the Steelers get past them though and to be honest, I think they will!

Here's to a great weekend of Football, time spent with friends and family and great food!!
I agree with Jason. While I much prefer the Falcons win this weekend, I will be pulling for GB  in the big game if they beat us. Happy smoking to all!
+2 I will get behind the Packers if they beat the Falcons. I don't want to see either a Steelers or a Patriots win the Superbowl.

And while I agree that Rodgers is a great quarterback and probably a future Hall of Famer, I didn't realize that he was such a whiner. I don't watch many packers games because the stupid Vikings are on our networks every week (ugh!!!), so I don't get to watch their games that much. He whined so much he had the refs calling stupid crap the whole game. OK, that is enough of my own whining. Go NFC!!!
Oh... and, baby backs and cheese queso/chips appetizer, for us, on Sunday!  Guess I could do some chickens and call them "smoked falcon!"  Haha!
DivotMaker said:
Oh... and, baby backs and cheese queso/chips appetizer, for us, on Sunday!  Guess I could do some chickens and call them "smoked falcon!"  Haha!

"Smoked Falcon"? Now that's funny.  ;D
DivotMaker said:
RG said:
Kari, GB has zero chance. Make peace with it, lol! :P

Heh...  You sound just like my Cowgirl buddies!  Hahaha!  Never underestimate Aaron Rodgers... Make peace with it!  ;D ;D

I knew the Cowboys would lose. I was actually surprised they made it so close! Atlanta is much better than Dallas. Dallas had an easy schedule meanwhile Atlanta had the hardest schedule in the NFL this year so I think they're ready to beat the Pack. Add to that the fact that GB hasn't had a bye in 15 weeks and are on the road. It's going to be a tough out for them and I fully expect Atlanta to not only win but on "paper" it shouldn't even be close. That's why they play the games though! Aaron is an excellent QB and is hot right now but Matt isn't exactly struggling, lol. The Atlanta offense is humming like a fine tuned machine, Matt even got to sit out a couple 4th quarters toward the end of the year. I didn't see Rodgers or Brady doing that ;)

So......make peace with it Tony. Be prepared to root for my Falcons when they go to the big dance :)

Here's to a good, injury free game!

Smoked!! :P
There's football on this weekend?????

Ugggghhh... You darn GB fans just had to say something! Hahah, coming from a Cowboys fan.

I will be smoking a tri-tip tomorrow, but won't have much interest in the games! BARRETT-Jackson should provide some entertainment though :)
You guys seem to forget that it does not matter if your team wins this weekend. Because soon after that they will have to face the greatest QB and greatest football team in the history of the NFL.

Tom Brady and the NE Patriots!

Babybacks tonight for me too!
Patriots have to get by the Steelers first. That isn't a foregone conclusion just like in my case. Falcons should beat the Pack, Pats should beat the Steelers but it wouldn't surprise me to see a GB PIT Superbowl! Anything is possible! That's why I love football!

As for the food, we can all agree on that, lol! It looks like ribs are the theme this weekend. I am pressing the easy button and making brisket chili for my guests. We are going to play Cards Against Humanity before the game, eat a few snacks while we play and then brisket chili with jalapeño cheddar cornbread during the game. Hopefully everybody will enjoy the day tomorrow!