What you say on the bypass makes sense. But is there a possibility that with a PID controlling the power to the smoker and having a PID probe competing with the on board probe and thus the controller, could there not be a conflict or some interference? I will admit I have no experience in this (and probably should butt out altogether), but others here and elsewhere did eventually bypass with some stating they desired a higher temp and others stating it was the only way to get to a desired temp such as the magical 225 and have it stabilize.
What you say on the bypass makes sense. But is there a possibility that with a PID controlling the power to the smoker and having a PID probe competing with the on board probe and thus the controller, could there not be a conflict or some interference? I will admit I have no experience in this (and probably should butt out altogether), but others here and elsewhere did eventually bypass with some stating they desired a higher temp and others stating it was the only way to get to a desired temp such as the magical 225 and have it stabilize.