First Boston Butt this weekend

Ok. 2 more hours in the brine then its a time for a good rinse, pat dry, binder and rub.  I have seen so much variation on cooking times listed here to get to 195-200 IT that I am not sure what time to start the darn thing. I have read everywhere from 1-2 hours per pound. I want it done about 3 pm tomorrow then foil and rest for 2 hours before pulling at 5. 
You may still be in the stall...168-172 is about the stall temp.  Just let it go and all will be fine in the end!
Hang in there Mike, I had a 10 lb butt that I pulled after 21 1/2 hours. 95° IT

They are somewhat unpredictable but as Steve said 2 hrs per lb is a guideline. Take some pics if possible..  :)
ok. 14:20 it hit 200. Wrapped and resting now. Tried a small piece and it is SOOO GOOD.  I added a small amount of a secret ingredient to the brine and its pretty darn tasty. More pics later after pulling


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Thank you. I"m sure we will. Tried making the pixel dimensions of that image smaller but it wouldn't do it. Sorry for the large file.
DivotMaker said:

Here's how I do it.  A few folks have tried this, and think it works.  Give it a try, and let me know!:

Brined Butt for Pulled Pork

Like Greg said - once you brine, you'll never go back! 

Just thought I'd let this group know that I tried Tony's butt brine recipe this weekend and it hit a home run with my crowd.  I've never brined before and I can see why everyone likes it so much.  My former unit was an MES 30 and the butts I smoked in that thing never came out as moist as this #2.  I usually opened the door at an IT of 160 and spritzed a mix of Captain Jack rum and apple juice every hour or so.  Made for a really nice bark but on this model I just kept the door closed for the entire time to test moisture.  The bark was good, the moisture high, and the brined meat very good.  When it hit 193 after 13 hours, I placed it in a double foil wrap, towels, and into a cooler.  This was true set-and-forget.