First bacon!

Started bacon #2 on friday.
By feel, I dialed the cure back a smidge.
Unlike last time, I added a little maple syrup and fresh garlic rub to the action.
Thought is I didn't add any extra sugar last time, maybe that enhanced my "salty" response. This may help smooth that over.
I report back in week or so.
Late update, but belly #2 turned out better that #1.

Firstly, having the right pans, trays, and racks makes a huge difference. Wow, life was way harder than it needed to be. Best $60 I may have ever spent.

I dialed back on the salt a smidge and it seemed to make a difference. I actually had enough mixed up from the first one left over to do the second. So i didn't change any salt ratios.

I was able to get 3hrs of cold smoke on it before going hot. I race RC cars in the winter, so I rigged up a car stand w/fan to help move air through the box. It actually made the AmZn smoke thing work correctly. It was 85F here that day, packed with frozen tupperwares I was able to keep the box below 65F for those 3 hrs. It started rising and my time window was closing so I stopped at the 3 hrs.

Taste and thoughts...
Salt level was better, still firm though. My wife thinks an hour cold soak in water before drying should be standard procedure. #3 we will go this way.
Garlic was a nice touch. Plays with the black pepper nicely.
Maple syrup, I don't pick up on. I may need to add a little more. Not a huge maple guy, so I may keep it modest to just help balance salts
Cold smoke, I am happy I figured out how to get it working. I don't think there's enough on this #2 bacon to tell any difference. It does seem different, but I added garlic, so I may be making things up. When the weather cools off, I look forward to going 8hrs cold smoke to really see the difference. This picture is the box empty on my practice run. It wanted to run into the 90s without the meat and ice packs.

Finally, it's amazing how easy it is to make some really tasty bacon. I figured this last batch at about $3.50/lb, so damn, it even saves some money!
I figured this last batch at about $3.50/lb,

Granted I live in a tourist town, but here handcrafted bacon sells for $15 or higher depending on the vendor. And then the is Nueske's they are priced at a whole other level. Personally I like my bacon better than Nueske's.
Pork Belly said:
I figured this last batch at about $3.50/lb,

Granted I live in a tourist town, but here handcrafted bacon sells for $15 or higher depending on the vendor. And then the is Nueske's they are priced at a whole other level. Personally I like my bacon better than Nueske's.

I am fortunate to have Nueske's right here in Wisconsin. Most all of the local stores carry their bacon and other products. Nueske's is the standard I try to achieve when making bacon. It's pretty smoky, which I like. I've come pretty close.
Pork Belly said:
I figured this last batch at about $3.50/lb,

Granted I live in a tourist town, but here handcrafted bacon sells for $15 or higher depending on the vendor. And then the is Nueske's they are priced at a whole other level. Personally I like my bacon better than Nueske's.

I can't imagine spending that sort of money on bacon.
sweetride95 said:
Firstly, having the right pans, trays, and racks makes a huge difference. Wow, life was way harder than it needed to be. Best $60 I may have ever spent.

I’m finally ready to do my second attempt at bacon! I just bought a spare fridge so that I have plenty of space for bellies while not taking up all the space we need for everything else haha

What pans, trays and racks did you get? It’s been a while but I remember the first time it being messy and frustrating since I didn’t have many tools to use. I’d love to know what you used to make it easier for yourself.

I went with the salt box method but am probably going to try a measured approach this time. I’ve been using EQ brines for other smokes, and I like the measured approach since it really allows me to repeat results but also make calculated changes. (I have an excel spreadsheet that I use haha) So I’m going to try that with the bacon in a few weeks.

Here’s my first attempt:

When I do my next round, I’m going to try to keep the same flavor profile from the first one but just adjust the saltiness. Going to try a spicy batch and also probably some type of garlic and herb batch as well.
SmokedGouda said:
sweetride95 said:
Firstly, having the right pans, trays, and racks makes a huge difference. Wow, life was way harder than it needed to be. Best $60 I may have ever spent.

I’m finally ready to do my second attempt at bacon! I just bought a spare fridge so that I have plenty of space for bellies while not taking up all the space we need for everything else haha

What pans, trays and racks did you get? It’s been a while but I remember the first time it being messy and frustrating since I didn’t have many tools to use. I’d love to know what you used to make it easier for yourself.

I went with the salt box method but am probably going to try a measured approach this time. I’ve been using EQ brines for other smokes, and I like the measured approach since it really allows me to repeat results but also make calculated changes. (I have an excel spreadsheet that I use haha) So I’m going to try that with the bacon in a few weeks.

Here’s my first attempt:

When I do my next round, I’m going to try to keep the same flavor profile from the first one but just adjust the saltiness. Going to try a spicy batch and also probably some type of garlic and herb batch as well.

Containers, I went to my local restaurant supply store and found some large plastic containers. I can't find the exact ones, but something like this is relatively inexpensive and large enough to do some real cuts of meat.

Find your local restaurant supply place and you will be in heaven. Pans, trays, tubs, nacho cheese pumps, slicers, ect... Awesome stuff.
Good luck man! bacon is fun to make .
Last night I smoked my bacon hot to 150 in 4 hours.  Set at around 175 but lowered it to 160 for about an hour.  I don't cure so technically it's not bacon but taste like bacon.  I freeze it all and just break off what I want and cooks up great. I cut the belly in half to better fit my slicer and I prefer the shorter lengths anyway.


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