Cooking for a large group


New member
This weekend, I’m having a party for my wife’s 40th birthday. Decided to smoke the food we will serve rather than cater. Size of gathering will be 25 people. So not too many, but more than I’ve ever smoked for.

My first thought was smoked brisket, Sous vide pork shoulder and smoked Baby backs so I can control cooking time easier. But, I’m thinking I may just go smoked pulled pork and ribs with sides. I know I have the 3D and it can take both brisket and pork shoulder, but I’m not sure that’s the easiest thing to do.

Is .5lbs per person on pulled pork a good servicing size? Then ribs 4-5 racks? Any other suggestions? I do plan on starting early enough on Friday evening to cambro the pork/brisket so I can then smoke the ribs. The pork will hold fine for that time I think? Just not sure if the brisket would.

Thanks for the comments.
Don't forget to consider precooked weight compared to cooked weight when figuring how much to buy.
0.5# brisket (cooked) per person should be plenty.
Since you have 2 other meats, I would figure about 1/3 rack ribs per person, so that would be minimum 8 racks. But I would be generous and go with 10 racks.
If you are worried about portion control, you'll have to have servers at least for the first run through or else you'll run out of something (guaranteed- I cooked for a platoon in the army).
A brisket and a pork shoulder will feed to 30+ if you have adequate sides.  I've catered for 30 - 40 people a number of times and a packer brisket and 7 - 8 lbs. butt has been more than enough.  However, I usually do appetizers and a full accompany of sides. 
Jeremy, I would go with your second option, and forego the brisket.  Smoked pork butts and ribs are always a crowd pleaser, are cheaper and go a long way.  I would smoke 2 good size Boston butts (8-10 lbs ea) the day before, double-wrap in HD foil, let cool and store in the fridge overnight.  On party day, put 8 racks of ribs in the #3 in the morning.  Put the wrapped butts in the oven to reheat on low about 2 hours into the rib smoke.  By the time the ribs are done, but pork butts will be good and hot, and ready to pull.  Use one of those large food service foil pans and pull both butts.  I use another for the ribs...slice them apart an put them in the foil pan.  Folks can choose their meat, and that should be plenty for 25 people, with sides and deserts.  The 2 pork butts should yield around 12 lbs of pulled pork, which will look like a ton in the big foil pan!
I agree with pork only.  However, it is nice to know that you have a smoker that can handle a full packer and a couple of butts at the same time should you decide to do both beef and pork.
I respectfully disagree with Tony about his choice being cheaper. Price of ribs are going to be equal to the price of butts and brisket.
I think offering both beef and pork would be nice rather than all pork. I consider ribs and butt in the same porky good family. So I would go with brisket and ribs. The brisket can be smoked in advance a day or two before, wrapped in foil, refrigerated, and reheated in a pan on low in the oven (200-250) while the ribs smoke. Brisket reheats like this beautifully, and tastes just like it came off the smoker.
Thanks for the replies everyone!

After reading the replies, I decided to go with pulled pork and baby back ribs. Albertsons had a sale on ribs, buy one get one, so I went for it and picked up 8 racks. Ribs are in the fridge and butts are brining.

I’d like to do brisket to offer two different meats, but I’m much more comfortable smoking ribs and pork butt. I just haven’t smoked brisket enough to try that. The only packer ive smoked was a Snake River Farm Wagyu that was amazing and only took 10 hours, which threw me a big ol curve ball. So I went straight pig for the 40th shin dig!

Plan is for some easy already prepped appetizers, pinto beans and Cole slaw for sides and cake for desert. Should be a fun time!

Here’s the cart from the purchase. The butcher laughed and said I guess I should restock the ribs when he saw me walk buy!


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That is going to be quite a spread. I’m sure your get together will be a rousing and tasty success.
Pork butts are on. A few new Sauces are made. Let the sleepless night begin!

Again, thanks for all the replies! Will post more as things move along.


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Pork butts are wrapped and holding in the cooler. Smaller one needs a little longer, but by the time i go to pull it should be good. The large butt got to 198*, I should’ve checked it a bit earlier because it was about falling apart! Dang tasty too!  Ribs are in now. First time I’ve used all 4 grates at once. Should be good. I’m aiming at a 5 hour smoke, then 1 hour wrap before I cut up. Should have everything in serving platters by 515pm. 


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Well, it was a success. Everyone loved the pulled pork and ribs. And it was awesome to see everyone talking about how they liked th different sauces. One for everyone by serving three different types. I loved the vinegar sauce I made. Was perfect on the pulled pork. Now...... what to do with 4 racks of ribs and half the pulled pork left over. Hahaha. Super bowl is tomorrow but my buddy has an 18lb brisket going.

Good stuff this SI 3D is!


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Looks good Jeremy and sounds like you had a house full of happy eaters.  As for left overs, vac seal and freeze.  Super easy to reheat when 'ya just gotta have Q' at the last minute.