Cheese with external smoke generator

Carl, I'm pretty sure that putting charcoal in with the chips will solve your problem. I use a brute force approach-light the Big Kahuna with a blowtorch, from the bottom obviously, and then leave the bottom and top caps off until I have a nice hot fire going. Add a few more chips, replace both caps, and only then plug in the aquarium aerator and start smoking. If the fire dies down at all then remove the bottom cap for a minute or two. Incidentally liked your big loops in the piping setup; these will work great to trap the smoke condensate.
You can make your own smoke generator ... it isn't complicated.  I have built quite a few over the years.  The first one was a buried 55 gallon drum  :D.    Just find some junk square tubing, some expanded metal, couple of pieces of pipe, and a source of air and all you need is a little bit of use of a cutting torch and welder and you are ready to smoke till your heart's content.  :-*