Can't reach 195


New member
I have a Smokinit #3 with an auber controller. Put the packer brisket on at 5:30pm yesterday, it's 12:35pm today and it's only at 182 degrees? Smoker temp is 225.... seems like it's taking way too long?
How big is your brisket?  In my world, it is taking way too long but I think you are right on course for a 225 degree smoke.  225 results in 20+ hour smokes more times than not. 
Go to 235 and I think you will be done in time to have a reasonable rest period before dinner.  Current cook temp might get you there too but you might be doing some clinching at the end. 
It should have the weight on the cryovac package that it came in. If it's a whole "packer" brisket it should be anywhere from 12 pounds to 18 pounds. Split in the middle, you've got a long cook! 10° doesn't make much of a difference, 235 isn't going to make it power through the stall any quicker. I'd say wrap it and finish it in your oven at 275 if you're concerned about running past dinner time.
I threw away the packaging, Im not concerned about the time... just making sure I'm not doing anything wrong. It is a whole packer brisket.  I did take a small chunk out of the flat, it was very tasty!!!
no worries, you are doing it right.  it will be awesome once it hits 200 degrees IT.  I have taken over 24 hours before
Next time, note the weight on the package, and allow 2 hours per pound.  Hope for less (I usually average just over an hour per pound), but allow for more.  You can always "hold" it, when done early, easier than you can speed-cook one that's not done on time!