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Good job, Andy! Great-looking briskie!
Texan in Tulsa said:I'm thinking of smoking a few racks of ribs or whole chickens next time.
I did learn a few things about my 3D during my first brisket smoke...........
1. I need to read and learn more about the Auber. I read the directions that came with the 3D and also read a manual on Auber's website for the WSD-1500GPH (that looks similar) and thought I had it programmed correctly, but I'm curious what model number is actually installed and if there is a list of display indications or codes. The 1500GPH manual is the right one...same programming. This is an SI OEM controller, designed by Auber, but works the same.
The RH window was displaying random numbers. It was set to hold a steady internal temp. I first thought it was counting down time as the numbers were in the teens and going down and then went negative and back to positive. It went back and forth for about a minute and I finally just turned the unit off. Never seen this before. It's possible you maybe had a little moisture on your meat probe/plug; that will sometimes cause things like that.
2. I had purchased a Maverick 733 dual probe thermometer. I used only 1 probe in the brisket to compare the temps between it and the internal temp probe with the Auber. The Auber indicated a temperature that was consistently 6 degrees higher than the Maverick. The probes were adjacent to one another about one inch apart in the same plane so that they weren't touching one another, but in the thickest cut of the meat. I have not made any adjustments to the 3D controller, so curious if anyone has suggestions on how to get them to read closer together? There's a section, in the Auber manual, about calibrating the probes. You can actually dip them in ice water, and set an "offset" in the unit.
3. This thing cooked much faster than I anticipated. My program was 150 for .6 hrs to get a slow smoke going, then ramp up to 235 until internal temp of 195 and then ramp down and hold internal temp of 150. I put my 11 lb brisket on and powered up at 12:10 am expecting this to go until at least 10 am or later. I checked it just before 8 am and it was already holding the internal temp of 150. That was a quick smoke in my opinion. 11 lb brisket, at 150 8 hours in? Sounds on-pace, to me! How long did it stall, and take to hit 195? I'm guessing about noon?
4. My wood did not burn completely. I had 3 pieces spaced evenly across the fire box. The one at the rear was only ash. The middle one mostly ash, but a small piece of solid wood remained. The front piece where I expected the element to be the hottest was the largest piece remaining. I will position the pieces the same next time to see if this repeats. Good to know where the hot spots are!
5. The racks in the 3D are large and will not fit in my 4 year old dishwasher. If someone is getting these in a dishwasher, I'd like to know how. So it looks like I will be coating the racks with non-stick spray before my next use just to make the clean up a little easier. Mine either.I just wrestle them around in the sink. Some folks use one of those big gray plastic busboy tubs, like the restaurants use for dirty dishes!
DivotMaker said:Yes, I ended up wrestling them around the sink and it looked like a crime scene by the time I was finished.Texan in Tulsa said:3. This thing cooked much faster than I anticipated. My program was 150 for .6 hrs to get a slow smoke going, then ramp up to 235 until internal temp of 195 and then ramp down and hold internal temp of 150. I put my 11 lb brisket on and powered up at 12:10 am expecting this to go until at least 10 am or later. I checked it just before 8 am and it was already holding the internal temp of 150. That was a quick smoke in my opinion. 11 lb brisket, at 150 8 hours in? Sounds on-pace, to me! How long did it stall, and take to hit 195? I'm guessing about noon?
The controller was programmed to hit 195 in Program 2 and then ramp down to 150 in Program 3. When I checked it that morning it was already in Program 3 and holding 150. I held it at 150 for several more hours as I was not ready for it to come out cool down. It was cooked all the way through, so not sure what happened. If it never hit 195 like I assumed, then something definitely went wrong.
5. The racks in the 3D are large and will not fit in my 4 year old dishwasher. If someone is getting these in a dishwasher, I'd like to know how. So it looks like I will be coating the racks with non-stick spray before my next use just to make the clean up a little easier. Mine either.I just wrestle them around in the sink. Some folks use one of those big gray plastic busboy tubs, like the restaurants use for dirty dishes!
NDKoze said:It is possible that you never hit 195 as you said.
One other recommendation if you are going to use the ramp down function. I would start your ramp down about 3-5 degrees below your desired final temperature. The reason being that when it switches to the program to go to temp of 150, it takes quite awhile to cool down to that temperature and continues to cook. This extra time will almost always take you meat to the desire temp. Otherwise, you can overshoot the desired temp by that same 3-5 degrees.