Brisket 12 lbs Angus from RD

Staying out of the smoke ring discussion, except to say this:  Live and let live, and do what pleases you, and don't judge what pleases others. ;)
You know me I'm all about "You do what makes YOU happy" But.......

If smoke rings are important why would you buy the smoker that can never make one?

Real smoke rings are a fickle bitch that can not be counted on to show up. In the volume of meat I smoke I see pork consistently taking good color but across the board beef is unpredictable. Six briskets may have good rings, six may not, and that is in the same smoke on the same night. I believe this is why fake rings look so fake they are too controlled.
Pork Belly said:
You know me I'm all about "You do what makes YOU happy" But.......

If smoke rings are important why would you buy the smoker that can never make one?

Real smoke rings are a fickle bitch that can not be counted on to show up. In the volume of meat I smoke I see pork consistently taking good color but across the board beef is unpredictable. Six briskets may have good rings, six may not, and that is in the same smoke on the same night. I believe this is why fake rings look so fake they are too controlled.

OK, you knew you'd draw me in, even though I said I'd stay out! lol!  Let's go through your points (all valid, BTW):

"If smoke rings are important why would you buy the smoker that can never make one?"  When I bought my #1, I never gave them a second thought!  My limited experience had me believe the smoke ring actually came from the smoke!  I was surprised when I didn't get one.  Yes, I totally agree that it is not necessary, only for looks, not for taste...I get that, and have even posted it.  But, the fact is that appearance and presentation are important factors to some cooks.  I resigned myself to not being able to produce one, until I happened upon the curing salt method.  I don't use it on everything, just briskets, pork loins and butts.  Love the pink!

The part about inconsistency with real smoke rings, I agree with.

"I believe this is why fake rings look so fake they are too controlled."  With all due respect, only the expert pit masters, like you, know that.  99% of folks who see, or eat, my fake smoke ring Q a) don't have the foggiest idea what you mean by "controlled," or b) don't care in the least.  They compliment the taste, but subconsciously, they see the appearance they associate with BBQ.  This is one of the main reasons "I" like it.  Only guys like you, that cook more brisket in a day than most of us do in a year, would really see the difference.

I value your opinion greatly, so I hope you can understand where I'm coming from on the issue.  Yes, it's a little "smoke and mirrors" for the masses, but they don't know the difference, and that makes me happy to hear compliments on how good my BBQ looks, not just tastes.  I would bet any BBQ restaurant could use this technique in large commercial electrics, and their customers would never know the difference.