Brisket 12 lbs Angus from RD


The brisket turned out great!

12 lb. Packer Angus brisket - RD

Brine ingredients:
1 ½  gallon of water
285 g fine sea salt
3/4 cup brown sugar
1 t (#1 cure)
1.5 T garlic powder
1.5 onion powder

Injection marinade:
4 cups water (bring to a boil and then add the rest of the ingredients, simmer for 15 minutes)
2 T Minors beef stock
1 T Minors Au Jus
1 t. Cholula Chipotle Hot Sauce
(Note filter the injection or it will clog the injector.)

1.8 oz. Kiawe
2.2 oz. Oak
1.2 oz. Cherry

I use my rub (any low salt rub you like with work)


Started Brine Brisket 8:00 am, (12 hours) remove from brine and then rinse and pat dry at 6:00 pm. Inject with marinade (not bottom) and then apply yellow mustard and then the rub (use about 2 cups), place in refrigerator until 10:00 pm.

Place in smoker at 225 degrees with the fat side down.
Brisket freezes well, just put in the refrigerator a day or two in advance. Re-heat in a covered roasting pan at 325 degrees with some liquid until the meat reaches 160 degrees.

(12 lb. flat took 11.5 hours to reach 190 degrees (Time was 10:39 a.m.) pulled wrapped and held in cooler until dinner at 4:30 pm. The brisket was juicy and tender.

This looks as good as mine was, I can just smell that. I love the smoke ring yours has. I have heard and did notice a slight one on mine that cherry wood will add that. I have 3 more packages of briskets and going to do a flat on the #1. Now that it is on a cart and I will not be standing on my head to use it. Good job Greg and am sure the Grandkids were happy with it.
Bill, smoke ring is only possible by using pink salt or insta cure #1 in the brine. 

Greg, please send me a sandwich, I'm very hungry now!!!

Greg, the little bump of meat sitting on top of the inner fat layer is your point.  Cut that off the top and you have your burnt ends material.
Greg, that looks great!  But, that's not a flat, it's a packer cut brisket (flat and point).  Did you notice the grain was a different direction on the part Dave pointed out? (no pun intended).  That's the point.  Next time, separate that part post-cooking (very easy - it's separated by a layer of fat), and cube it for burnt ends!  Hard to find flats in the 12 lb range.

Bet it tasted great!!
DivotMaker said:
Greg, that looks great!  But, that's not a flat, it's a packer cut brisket (flat and point).  Did you notice the grain was a different direction on the part Dave pointed out? (no pun intended).  That's the point.  Next time, separate that part post-cooking (very easy - it's separated by a layer of fat), and cube it for burnt ends!  Hard to find flats in the 12 lb range.

Bet it tasted great!!


Yes this was a packer, I used an old word doc and did not update it correctly :)

The taste was great and even with the six hour hold in the cooler it was excellent. I thought I posted a photo of the flat, but the grand kids have it a bit crazy here....

If you want to fake a smoke ring on a brisket, very lightly dust the meat side with Tender Quick before you add your rub.
Pork Belly said:
If you want to fake a smoke ring on a brisket, very lightly dust the meat side with Tender Quick before you add your rub.

Brian, I used a light TQ dusting on my last brisket for a few hours, but rinsed good before adding rub.  Is TQ ok to leave on the meat, under the rub?  That'd sure make it easier.  It makes a better fake smoke ring than #1 in the brine does!


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elkins20 said:
Thats what I'm talkin' about, that smoke ring, did you brine this also Tony?

This one got Morton TenderQuick and injection:

First Whole Brisket in the #3

The TQ was on the meat for 8 hours, and it produced a prettier faux smoke ring than anything I've ever done.  Really colorful, and defined.  I know it's just for show, but dang, it makes the presentation great!
Pork Belly said:
I don't think a very light dusting of tender quick would Have to be rinsed, especially if it is on just one side.

You're probably right, but I'll probably still rinse, just to eliminate the extra surface salt.  Might get pretty salty when combined with a rub.
OK I am confused, do you put the TQ on after the mustard but before the rub. Or do you put the TQ on and leave it for say 8 hrs. then put the mustard and rub. Just want to get it right as going to do a brisket for Sunday 96th birthday dinner for my Dad.
My honest answer is don't worry about tender quick. If Smoke rings are important to you, you bought the wrong smoker.

But if you feel the need to fake one, the TQ goes on bare meat.
Thanks Brian, was looking for the fake one, I will add the TQ, then mustard and rub, then will wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 8 hrs. Does this sound about right?
I've yet to see a faux smoke ring that didn't look like bad make up on a hooker.  But you guys keep trying!  LOL!
In my Navy days did not look at the makeup on the hookers. Especially in Hawaii, just looked for the I'am a boys tag and stayed away from them.