Boston Butt and Brisket Smoked at the same Time?

I guess because I knew that was where the magic was happening, I never worried about the stall itself, but I used to be concerned when it raced up to the stall instead of climbing at a sedate pace.  I'd have been freaked out if it raced to 190 before a stall.  Not sure I've seen a stall (primary, anyway) any later than 176
mizzoufan said:
Not sure I've seen a stall (primary, anyway) any later than 176

Funny thing about stalls...they're totally unpredictable!  That's why BBQ is NOT an "exact" science with formulas and perfect measurements!  Lots of feel, experience, and intuition goes into it!

I've had stalls in the 160s, 170s, and even 180s!  I've also had meat stall, in the 170s, for several hours, only to start climbing again and stall for a second time in the 180s!!  Talk about freaked out!  First time I experienced a secondary stall, I almost lost it!  Now, I know that every piece of meat has its own agenda, and it will tell me when it's done!
Elliottbte said:
Did you brine that brisket?  I'm sold on using DM's brine recipe, including the pink salt for the faux smoke ring, but I just wonder if that impacts when/how the stall happens.

I won't guarantee that I brined that particular one as it was one of my first and I'm sure I didn't use DMs recipe (what's a recipe?  LOL).  That was my experience that taught me to just ignore the smoker and maverick until the meat decides it is done
I've never found brining to affect the stall temperature, which is unpredictable all by itself!  I do find that brining large cuts does decrease overall cook time, though!