Biggest cheese smoke to date


New member
One of the problem with giving friends, neighbors and co-workers samples is getting all the orders for more.  This morning I'm doing 32 lbs. of various cheeses.  Since my last smoke went so flawlessly, I'm posting my set up.

Ditch the heavy gauge wood pan for something that will heat up quickly. Alum. pie plate for me.

Ceramic tile, sand and ice.
Pork Belly said:
That cool if they are buying the cheese....
The ones that can, I ask to just bring me the cheese and donate a couple bucks for supplies.  Some, I've offered to buy the cheese when I buy my own and have them reimburse me.  I'm not making a real profit but on my way to becoming an office legend.  LOL!!!!
Starting temp this morning was 48 degrees.  I've been running 40 minutes at 250 and cheese zone is currently 57 degrees.  This system works perfect. 
One hour.  My first smoke was an hour and the second smoke was 1.5 hours.  I thought the second batch was good for eating on sandwiches but just a little too smoky to enjoy out of the hand.  So, I'm trying 1 hour again to see if that is the magic time for this, my third cheese smoke. 
Arnie, the pie tin is on the element itself.  I hit the chips with my propane torch before setting it in the smoker so I'm starting with smoke before the heat has even been turned on.  When I do turn the heat on, it just keeps things going with no lag in heat up time. 
Added note of experience from today's smoke, I was so loaded that some of the blocks of cheese were outside the protection of the ice pan.  I could see that they were just starting to show some signs of heat impact.  Luckily, this isn't a long duration smoke so there was no damage but I learned there is value in keeping the cheese directly over the protection of the ice pan.  This might not be an issue for anyone but one with a model 4. 
I am starting to use the torch to start some wood as well. It has its advantages for a low temp smoke.

I didn't think you could put anything directly on the heater element. Guess I was wrong. Interesting. The #4 seems to have a much larger element than the #3.

So the cheese sits on the grate directly above the ice tray? I guess the tile is to prevent heat from getting to the ice tray. Do you add ice at all during the smoke?
No need to add ice during the smoke and in fact the ice is in good enough shape at the end of the first smoke, that I could easily do a second and maybe 3rd smoke.
2 weeks and testing this batch. For my smoker and taste, I think this will be my formula from here on out.  2 ounces of wood for an hour.
While day time temps have started to hit 80 here, the mornings are still in the high 40's.  I'm going to make another couple of batches tomorrow.  I wonder what the highest ambient temps I could still get a smoke done in?
Cheezy good Dave.. Any after pics? If cold weather is necessary to smoke cheese it pretty much leaves me out until at least next Jan (early in the AM)  :'(
Wreck it Ralph said:
Cheezy good Dave.. Any after pics? If cold weather is necessary to smoke cheese it pretty much leaves me out until at least next Jan (early in the AM)  :'(

I cold smoke cheese in any weather.  All you have to do is add your big ice pan to the smoker a couple of hours before you begin (smoker not in direct sunlight, of course).  If it's very warm, I'll put 2 ice pans in before adding the cheese.  If you bring the ambient temp in the box down in the 50s or 60s, you should be fine.  Instead of "pre-heating" the smoker, you are "pre-cooling!"  One advantage I have to being in the refrigerated truckload business - I know how to pre-cool a trailer for loading! ;)  Same concept - much smaller scale!
Good info Tony. I have been contemplating buying some accessories including a Cold Smoke Plate and a Jerky Dryer. Handy items for doing different smokes.
6:00 a.m. and lift off.  Starting temp this morning was 54 degrees.  After loading the smoker with ice and cheese it dropped to 50 degrees and holding 15 minutes into the smoke. 
