Bark on Fruita Wood


New member
Did a couple of smokes over the holiday weekend which gave me the chance to really dig through the box of wood I had ordered from them.  I hadn't noticed before but many of the chunks, cherry and post oak, have bark on them.

What's the general opinion on the use of wood with bark?  Guess I'm wondering if I should clean up the pieces before use.

Thoughts and opinions appreciated!
I strip bark off all my wood if present.  Years ago I read where it can produce a bitter taste.  Whether it does or doesn't I cannot say, but I am happy with the results I get from naked wood.
FWIW I've read the same thing about it causing bitterness.  But I did mix a tiny amount of barked wood in the wood box this weekend and I didn't pick up any bitterness.  All bark might have caused bitterness, but maybe mingling it in small amounts is ok.
You worry too much, it's a tree trees have bark burn the tree eat the food.

I do know that in Alaska the strip the bark from green alder wood prior to smoking salmon.
I think the bark issue is all about ratio of bark to wood.  I almost exclusively use wood from yard trees that have been pruned or removed from friends' yards and don't remove the bark.  I just make sure that the pieces aren't so small that the bark to wood ratio is too great. 