Bacon 1st shot

When I did it I got a boneless butt and sliced it in thick chunks so the grain of the meat was right for the bacon. That way I got max flavor when I smoked it. My wife actually likes the buckboard better than the belly bacon.
Bought everything and will be trying this as soon as the butt defrosts. I bought the High mtn  Buckboard Bacon cure at Bass Pro
allmann said:
Bought everything and will be trying this as soon as the butt defrosts. I bought the High mtn  Buckboard Bacon cure at Bass Pro

Hey Kevin, Let me know what you think of the bacon.
Tony, the bottom line is you need to think through how you will slice it up so that the grain is right and I make the thickness so it mirrors the thickness of a good pork belly so that you get a similar flavor profile. Tasty stuff and in some places pork butt is lots easier to find than belly.
Good advice, Bob!  I hope to give this a shot pretty soon, so this helps!  Never have seen much on how to section a butt for BBB!
OK Bob & Tony, I never have been able to tell which way the grain is running in meat. Can you give me some help in this area.
Bill, "with the grain" is slicing lengthwise, in line with the muscle fibers.  Against the grain is 90-degrees perpendicular to the grain.  If you look at a brisket, the grain is very pronounced, usually diagonal across the flat.  That's why you slice brisket at an angle that is 90-degrees off the grain - it makes the slices very tender.  When I make beef jerky, I slice with the grain, so it's long fibers the length of the slices.  I'll try and find some pics to better illustrate this.
Thanks Tony, I just had a brain freeze, pictures might help. What is left of it have a great weekend. Today am starting my pork belly cure using Brian's recipe.
Hey Greg, I called the RD here and they told me they do not carry fresh pork bellies. But, was looking at a video the other evening on youtube from Malcom Reed and he said he purchased it in frozen packages from RD. Maybe they have it in your area also, next time I am down there will check to see if they have it in boxes in the frozen section.