Another Noob from CA

Hey Super Dave,
Thanks for the welcome, and ya, we're only about 40 miles apart. Nice lookin boat. Mine is a little smaller. (kayak) I'd post a picture but I can't figure out how to do it. Likewise with the emoticons. Just call me tech challenged...
Bill, (elkins)
You asked me a question about 8 replies ago on the temp that the guy on SMF used for his jerky. 160 is what I recall. He just dries the meat for a couple hours before putting the wood in, then smokes it at 160 until done to his liking. I did do a batch this way, and it isn't bad, but not great either. I'm looking forward to trying out your method using a dehydrator in the near future.
BTW, Meathead on SMF says that you need at least 160 for a couple hours to kill all the pathogens and avoid sickness and/or death. Any feedback on that comment would be greatly appreciated.
I believe if you use the cure and flavor from say a jerky package, or if you make your own to use insta-cure #1 that would kill anything on the meat. But, that is a very good question and hopefully some others that experts in this area will also answer your question. I do not think it would hurt to run the smoker at say 160 for 2 hrs. then put the meat in the dehydrator to finish. I just checked and according to my Nesco Dehydrator book it says for Jerky 160. Sorry about earlier saying 145 degrees. And it stated also if you use your own mix to use a curing mix combination that includes Salt, Sodium Nitrite to prevent bacterial growth during the initial stages of drying. It also states you can add 1/4 to 1/2 cup of water per pound to the mixture to marinate.
Yep. That was my thought too Bill, and I think that's the plan now for fish and jerky. God knows I've put enough sodium nitrate into my system to kill a horse, but thankfully, I'm not a horse. Too old to worry much about it now, too. Botulism however, is a horse of another color.