Another Noob from CA


New member
Hey All,
Bob here in Placerville CA. I'm on the old side. Owned several different smokers but was never much good at it. Then about 4 months ago I decided to get some education and started reading and using online forums. Bought a BGE about 2 months ago and started using some of the knowledge most of you guys already have. My purchase of the SI 1 was primarily to use as a chambro for the stuff I smoke in the egg, but I'll be smokin with it too. I have a long way to go, but my experiments lately have been pretty tasty anyway, so I figure they'll only get better. Glad to be aboard!
Welcome from Delaware, BB!  I think you will find it much easier to smoke in the #1 than the BGE, but it is great that you have both.  Enjoy the forum...lots of good advice and recipes to try out.  Cheers
Welcome from Texas! I was at Home Depot yesterday and was scoping out a BGE but the 799.00 gave me pause. I hope you enjoy your#1 and come here often and share your experience with us.
Welcome Bob!  Hope to see some good Cali-Q recipes from you!  I'm a big fan of Santa Maria-style BBQ.  I'm a Southern transplant - originally started life as a prune picker, but transplanted to the south at age 14.  So, I consider myself Southern, but still have great memories of Cali cooking!  Beautiful part of the state, you're in!

Great to have you with us!  Based on your past smoking experience, you may have to change a habit or two, but all in the name of "Lazy Q!" 8)
Hi BB. Your SI is a lot more than a cambro. dig into this forum and learn and participate. Enjoy your SI and Happy smoking!
Welcome Bob from Saint Augustine.

I used a BGE for 10 plus years and since moving over the the #2, not looking or going back.

Hey, Thanks for all the encouragement and welcomes you guys. I'm sure I'll be using my little guy for a bunch of stuff. I did some Steelhead the other day and it turned out great, with not much work involved either. My next smoke is going to be some beef jerky. It will be fun to get to know you all, and get some help when I need it too.
Hey Bubba, How did the cart work for your little guy? I am in the middle of modifications on my smokers today. Right now I have one of the Aubers apart changing the power cord. As you use the #1, you will really enjoy the flavor and also the ease of the product it turns out.
bubbabob said:
Hey, Thanks for all the encouragement and welcomes you guys. I'm sure I'll be using my little guy for a bunch of stuff. I did some Steelhead the other day and it turned out great, with not much work involved either. My next smoke is going to be some beef jerky. It will be fun to get to know you all, and get some help when I need it too.

Hey Bob,  I definitely recommend the jerky fan for jerky or sausage, to remove the moisture.  These are so tight, it's hard to get jerky to "dry," rather than "cook" without a fan.  Some folks have made their own, but I just got the James jerky dryer, and it works great.
Hey Bob if you have a dehydrator, you can do the jerky without having a jerky fan. Just smoke your meat at 225 for 2 hrs then remove and place in the dehydrator at 140 to finish. Here is the post that explains how to do this.
Thanks for the posts on doing jerky you guys. It does give me pause cuz a guy over on the smokedmeat forum said he just puts the meat in his smoker at 150 for a couple hours without smoke to dry the meat, then adds his wood and smokes for about 4 to 5 hours to get it to the doneness he likes. Most likely though he isn't using an SI and there's enough air coming into the unit to get it dry without a fan. My thought was to use his method and see what happens and since I have 3 lbs of London broil marinating in my fridge right now I guess I'll go with that plan. I'll let you know if it's a success or dismal failure around 6pm tomorrow.
Hey Bob am curious at what temp. does he smoke the jerky at. I would be afraid that it will not be dried. I will let others with more experience offer you some advice on this also. I hope it turns out good for you.
Hey Eklins,
Sorry about the late post. I ended up buying a chrome plated storage cart/shelf from amazon for $74.00. Nice cart and the little guy fits well on it. Got most all of my stuff up off the ground. Here's the link -
Thanks for the link Bob, that looks similar to the one I am going to get from Sam's. I just finished working on my #3 and now will start on #1. I will be doing the bypass, adding a switch, and a permanent wall mount sensor. But, first have to run back to the hardware store for some ring wire connectors. I will need them for the new power cord that will be adding to my #1. As in the winter it gets cold here so installing a cold weather power cord that is good to 40 below...