7# Point brisket.

I did and it was so juicy, tender, and just mouth watering good. I used your injection recipe and also did the the second part in a foil pan covered with foil. The only problem I lost three hours do to a program error on my part. Also left the probes in the smoker when I pulled the meat to wrap it. I should have done the wrap at the smoker but brought it inside. The rub I used was TexasBBQoriginal rub. It is very salty when you just taste it but on the meat was pretty good. The bark on the brisket was also very good. Thanks for the help, recipes and support on this smoke.
Hello Bill,

Say, I have a couple of questions to ask on your process.  First I'll say that I just recently smoked my 1st brisket.  It was good but not quite as tender and juicy as I'd hoped for.  That said, I see you pulled your brisket at an IT of 165, placed it into a foil pan, tented it with foil and continued the smoke until an internal temp of 195.  Is this correct?  Your pic looks great and you commented on how juicy the brisket was. 

When I smoked mine, I just left it in the smoker without the tenting and using a foil pan.  Maybe your tenting and using a foil pan adds to helping the brisket retain more moisture??

Please confirm if I'm reading everything correctly.  If yes, I'll try this method next time.

Big Red Home Smoker said:
Hello Bill,

Say, I have a couple of questions to ask on your process.  First I'll say that I just recently smoked my 1st brisket.  It was good but not quite as tender and juicy as I'd hoped for.  That said, I see you pulled your brisket at an IT of 165, placed it into a foil pan, tented it with foil and continued the smoke until an internal temp of 195.  Is this correct?  Your pic looks great and you commented on how juicy the brisket was. 

When I smoked mine, I just left it in the smoker without the tenting and using a foil pan.  Maybe your tenting and using a foil pan adds to helping the brisket retain more moisture??

Please confirm if I'm reading everything correctly.  If yes, I'll try this method next time.

Hey Terry, first send me some of the rain you all have been getting along with cooler weather. Now for your questions. Yes, I pulled it at 165 and put it in a aluminum foil cooking pan and then covered with foil and sealed it. I also added some left over injection liquid that I had used on it. The problem I created for myself I have left the Auber and maverick meat probes inside the smoker and closed the door. If you use an Auber pull out the probe until you are ready to return the brisket to the smoker. I cooked this at 250 to an IT of 195. You do not necessary need to use a pan as can just wrap it in three layers of foil if not adding back any juice. Let me know if your questions were answered.
My Dad does not like beef roasts or brisket. But, he tried this on a sandwich along with a side of my baked beans. He called and said the brisket was really good. I could not believe how juicy it was. The funny part was the rub I used was the TexasBBQOriginalrub and it was not salty at all on the meat. I will use just to get rid of it. Would I buy it again, NOPE! Tonight I sliced it kept a package for supper and was able to freeze two. Had to use the pro 140 vacmaster, I have never had one before. Next on my spend spree will be a meat slicer. Even tonight with the electric knife the slices were uneven. I think I could have gotten more uniform slices with a slicer and also more meat per package. I am looking at a berkel 823e I can get it from here http://www.webstaurantstore.com/berkel-823e-plus-9-manual-gravity-feed-meat-slicer-1-4-hp/165823E.html?gclid=Cj0KEQjwgLGuBRCqptLsnJCvh-wBEiQAiNRjsWVJLH10MJnaTTSAO-NaWUX0VC917ts27jUjUNrNGHAaApk28P8HAQ for $612 and free shipping.

Thanks for the detail in your response.  Your brisket seems to have all the qualities I'm trying to achieve (good bark, tender and juicy).  Was a little surprised with the good bark since the last part of the smoke was in a foil pan as I thought that would maybe hinder the ability to have good bark since the direct heat would be shielded with he foil pan.

A couple more questions.......1.  Did you brine the brisket?  2.  Fat cap up or down?  3.  I thought I read earlier you tented the brisket w/foil but think in your last reply you mentioned that you sealed the foil pan with foil on top once the IT hit 165.  I was originally thinking that "tenting" would be a somewhat loose foil cover.  4.  What rack in the smoker (lowest, middle or highest)?  Last question, I swear..........5.  Did you foil and rest the brisket after the IT hit 195? 

Thanks for your input.  I want my brisket to have the bark, tenderness and juice that yours did!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Terry, Still waiting on the rain and cooler weather you are supposed to send to me. Questions, questions, questions, ok here goes. 1. As you can see from the photos, the bark is very good, just not crispy, but even in these smokers never have had crispy bark. But, with the Auber might achieve that. Was very tender and juicy, even after being in the fridge. I sliced it and still got some juice on the cutting board. I smeared with mustard and used a rub, but prior to that used SuperDave's beef injection. If you want can share his recipe with you. I did fat cap down, nope did not brine, as do not have room for the brine bucket. That and plan on doing this later, after I purchase a very small fridge and brineing buckets. Ok I pulled the brisket at 165, placed in the foil pan took in the kitchen, added some of the injection liquid that was left over in the bottom of the pan. Don't put the liquid on the brisket.Took a piece of heavy duty foil and placed over the pan and brisket and crimped the edges. When I inserted the probes back I just stuck in the brisket and wrapped the foil around them. Yes it was a tight seal or as tight as you can get foil to a foil pan. I was on the second rack from the top. After reaching 195, I pulled, took back to the kitchen, removed from the pan, double wrapped in hd foil, then wrapped in a bath towel, placed in a cooler and put a second towel around it. Left in the cooler for 2 hrs. to rest. Let cool and sliced, put in bags and sealed. The rub I used was from Texasbbqrub.com and was the original and a second rub just a sprinkle of McCormicks Grill Mates Montreal Steak Seasoning. I am not recommending the Texasbbqrub. I do recommend using John Henry's pecan rub. No matter what I smoke at the end you always want to double wrap the meat in foil and towels and place in a cooler to rest. I use a cheap styrofoam cooler I had from when we got the new fridge and had to take everything out of the old one. I think this should help you get what you are looking for. Don't hesitate  to ask question as love helping people if I can. Also sorry for the long post, but wanted to answer your questions as best as I could.
Excellent Bill,

Thanks so much for the additional detail.  I will give this all a try on my next brisket.  As for the rain..............I'll turn on my big outdoor fan and make sure it is pointed straight south!  By the way, if I had to or could live anywhere else other than Omaha, it would be in KC!

Love the culture, the museums, the Plaza, the BBQ, the jazz the heavily forested city.  KC has my favorite two sports teams.......Chiefs and Royals.  Great interstate system around the city.  KC is close to the Ozarks.  I'm in KC pretty often.  I'll be there again in October for the NASCAR race.  Did I mention that I really like KC???
Hey Terry, I can sort of feel the air, right now at 5:35 is 97 degrees on my front porch. My house faces west, but it is in Historic Northeast and was built around 1900. The wood is like true sizes, 2 x 4 is really 2" x 4" and so on. The oak floors are about 1 1/2" thick and tongue and grove. The wood around the windows and doors are oak finished in cherry. I too love the city, but we are getting run over by wild animals. I live close to Gladstone Blvd. and see racoon, deer and pesky squirrels that stripped my peach tree. Also have seen a few garden snakes. And know out around Lake Jacomo there are copperheads and timber rattlers. Next time you are down this way you need to go over to Olathe and check out the K.C.BBQ store.