D - Glad you found us! Now that you're here, how about adding a first name and town to your signature line? We'll help you out, big time, with this decision, but we're also a pretty friendly bunch to hang out with - even if you eventually
don't go with an SI!
Now, we have a LOT of ex-WSM users (Kari, or "SconnieQ," comes to mind first). You will find their input probably more valuable than mine, but I'll throw my 2¢ in anyways...
The WSM, and many, many "traditional" (wood or charcoal) smokers make some fantastic BBQ...IF you're willing to put the work in! Personally, those days are long behind me! I have better things to do than babysit a smoker for 12+ hours to have a successful 15-minute meal! Lots of folks think that's what makes "real BBQ," but I disagree.
Here's the beauty of the SI, compared to a lot of traditional smokers:
1. It's what I call "Lazy Q." To some "real" pit masters, this is the sin of BBQ. You'll hear terms like "dorm fridge" smoker, and the like. Ignorant. I can make BBQ that blows many of them away, and I'd take that to the bank! AND...I didn't have to babysit my smoker all day!!
2. Insulation. Here's the main difference. These smokers are heavily insulated, with double-stainless walls...no plastic! This is not a dorm fridge, but a real, commercial-grade, NSF-certified smoker (means banks will loan money for it to use in a restaurant...kind of a big deal). What it means to you, is point 1, above.

Temperature maintenance, down to subzero conditions, is possible in these smokers! See point 1, above.
3. No more foiling, spritzing, mopping, unfoiling, mopping, spritzing....blah, blah, blah. See point 1, above.
4. They are tight, and well-insulated, so they hold moisture better than any smoker you can imagine. Again, see point 1, above.
5. True smoke flavor. Because your meat is no longer influenced by the flavor of the fuel, you can actually focus on your prep spices, and will finally be able to
really taste the difference in the flavor of different wood smoke! You will begin to discern them enough to consider wood selection just like any other spice, in order to flavor your meat to your preference! See point 1, above.
6. Ease of use promotes
more frequent use! See point 1, above! 8)
I've smoke more meat in SIs, with far better results/compliments, than I have in my entire life. Personally, as a user, I can't imagine going any other direction! Like you, I was hesitant of the unknown, so I cheaped it out with a #1 to start (knowing it was actually too small for my needs). I now have them all, except a 4D, and love 'em!
Come and join us, D! Ask lots of questions, and challenge our family - you'll be glad you did!! ;D