#3 with Auber PID vs #3D


New member
Any functionality difference between the control on the #3D vs an Auber standalone PID? Like the idea of integration but also like that the Auber could be brought inside and stay out of the elements or ported over to another smoker at some point. Anyone have thoughts on this?
I think you will get pro and con on your question. I know some have commented that integrated is best while others have commented that if the  stand alone Auber PID controller dies, you still have the capability to use the analog smoker; not so with the integrated Auber PID.  Pretty much a personal preference.
It is the exact same controller.  And for the reasons that old sarge mentions, I'd never trade my stand alone Auber for a D model.  I think that the PID controller is the weakest part of these smokers and never confident in their reliability.  I love it when it works but cuss it when it doesn't.  I want options that don't destroy a planned smoke.  When is redundancy ever a bad thing? 
I 2nd Super Dave, I would not trade stand alone Auber for a "D" model smoker. I use the smoker as an analog smoker 70% - 80% of the time. It's simple and it works perfectly fine for most smokes.
I asked Steve that exact question yesterday on the phone because I too want to be able to keep the PID in the house when not in use. It seems that for the most part, there is no difference. BUT, there is one difference that I will probably not be able to get past. You cannot go above 250f with the stand alone PID. For me that is a BIG DEAL but for most people it probably is not. I don't go over 250f for the great majority of cooks, but when I need it I need it! Steve said that with the integrated unit I could expect to be able to hold 325f with no problem. 

On the other side of the coin, the smoker has a 3 year warranty but the integrated PID only has a 1 year warranty. It seems like that effectively reduces the warranty of the entire unit to 1 year. Kinda shakin my head about that.
tahoe mike said:
I asked Steve that exact question yesterday on the phone because I too want to be able to keep the PID in the house when not in use. It seems that for the most part, there is no difference. BUT, there is one difference that I will probably not be able to get past. You cannot go above 250f with the stand alone PID. For me that is a BIG DEAL but for most people it probably is not. I don't go over 250f for the great majority of cooks, but when I need it I need it! Steve said that with the integrated unit I could expect to be able to hold 325f with no problem.
Not exactly true Mike.  We have all pretty much done a bypass of the analog controller so that the 2 are separate.  Very detailed instructions how to do this on the forum here. 
For the newer members I was summarizing some early posts regarding why one might prefer the stand alone Suber over the integrated unit. I sure did not mean to disparage the integrated controller. I truly like it and while I have not maxed it out yet I can see where it would be handy for poultry. My smoker is under a covered patio and I have a cover for the smoker. After a year and a half I have had no issues with the controller and expect many trouble free years ahead.
I can add a little data for the separated auber setup, during a bypassed #2 800watt element cook. When cooking whole, deboned & boudin stuffed chicken, I set my auber to 500 degrees. Once the box temp reaches 300+ degrees, I place the bird in the oven as well as the foil covered wood box & insert the IT probe.

The box temp will rise to a max temp of 460 - 465 degrees steadily. I don't know how high the integrated unit will allow it to be programmed or if its governed at all. Obviously, the separated auber setup that remains plugged into a stock unit (no bypass) will have a max temp limited to the stock unit 250 degrees

About 1.5 hrs later, I have very nice, non shrunken & moderately crisp skin and a fabulous dinner. I cook very seldom using this technique but the 6 to 8 stuffed birds I smoke each year are always done this way.

The moral of the story is how high can the integrated unit go? We know the other answers.

I was slow to convert to the auber & I still think it adds very little value for the standard cook. Due to the high temperatures here in Louisiana I use an external smoke generator (big kahuna) for cold smokes. I use the auber extensively for low temp smokes like fish as well as high temp smokes like indicated above. This setup allows ME an extremely broad range to execute proven smokes to MY liking. I would love the integrated unit if these capabilities can be reached. I hope I didn't muddy the waters too much for you. Good luck.

I have had my unit apart to bypass it, as well as to repair a couple of broken wire connectors over the last few years including a couple of weeks ago. I have noticed NO damage due to running it this hot but I believe it it NOT recommended by the the manufacturer. So take this technique for what it worth, my personal experience.
If you were curious these are a couple of the birds. It's a southwest Louisiana Cajun thing. Love them!


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Walt, I have a Cajun Meat Market near my house that does the Cajun stuffed boneless chickens. I have always cooked mine in the oven and they are great (nice crispy skin and a lot of flavor). Maybe I will smoke them the next time.
Thanks for the info. Sounds like the Auber PID will be the way to go. I do a lot of jerky and smokies and need fine control but based on my experiences with BDS electronics having the solid state control of the #3 as a backup seals the deal.

Any issues getting down low for handling salmon?
Salmon is great on these. Just ensure you use chips, shavings or slivers to assist in better smoke production.
Thanks for the tip Walt. BTW those stuffed chickens sound very tasty!

Only problem now is that the #3 is out of stock until mid August according to Steve  :(
I am surprised no one with a 3d chimed in to verify maximum possible temperatures achieved or if its governed to limit the maximum temperatures.
On the stuffed chicken method detailed above I forgot to add that I also use the James Jerky Drier once the chicken goes in.