make it easier to cleanup


New member
This is the second time I have "reposted" RG's great idea. If I had known, I would have had the drip rails added to the sides, including the door when my smoker was new and clean. This would make a big difference in cleanup.

Hero Member
Re: Improvements I would like to see
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2016, 08:32:40 PM »
I had an idea spring into my noodle today. The issue with grease still getting under the foil that you line on the bottom had me thinking. The reason discussed in another thread mentioned the possibility that the sidewalls might be the culprit, allowing grease on the walls to slide down and seep under the foil.

My thought was to install a beveled rail/lip (angled down) just above the floor bottom that would act much like the eaves of a roof. It would direct the grease over the edge of the foil to keep it from running behind/under the foil. It would have to run the perimeter, both sides and rear wall.
If you would like Steve to consider this for a future upgrade, please contact Steve direct. You could tackle this yourself if you have a metal shop in your town. A welder should be able to install drip rails in your smoker. Be advised you would need a continuous weld bead the length of the rails to avoid grease from flowing between the rails and walls.  Heavy duty oven cleaner will put the interior back to like new.
I get what you are describing, but I honestly think I'd be more likely to be annoyed by it than to find it helpful.  If there were lips all around the inside then it would be harder to place the foil and I'd undoubtedly at some point run my hand into them.  I occasionally get some grease under the foil, but it never causes any problem.  I usually just turn the smoker on for 10-15 minutes with no foil in it and 99% of the grease finds its way to the drip pan.  Whatever is left I just clean up with the same putty knife I use to knock away loose creosote on the roof and sides of the smoker.
The side pieces wouldn't need to be that close to the bottom leaving plenty of room to easily slide the foil under 3 sides and the door piece too. Sharp edges are a no no on anything like this. If I'd known, when my smoker was new I'd have done it myself or had it done. It would be even better now with the available removable drip tray and would make the tray work better too.
I have the new drip tray in my smoker.  Pretty neat accessory.  The only downside is my smoker is an older 3 so the holes in the tray and smoker are not in perfect alignment.  But it works.  One of these days I will elongate the hole.  Please excuse the sideways pics.


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