3.5 element in a 3.0?


I've had my smoker (#3) for close to 10 years now.  It's been great getting to know it and now it just does it's thing, still making great BBQ.
I've noticed it takes longer to warm up.  I am guessing the element is getting a bit tired and thought about replacing it.

The #3 comes with a 1200W element and the #3.5 comes with a 1300W element.
Both the #3 and the #3.5 have the same depth and width.
Looks like the only difference is the wattage, and I would not mind some extra power.  Who does?

Anybody know for sure if the two elements physically fit the same hole pattern and depth?
Steve replied this morning.  Also took my call.  Great guy to speak with.
Both the 1200W and 1300W elements are of identical physical size and would be interchangeable in either model.
His recommendation was to go with the 1200W element.
In his opinion, the additional 100W would not make enough of a difference to justify the shorter element life of the 1300W element.