21-day dry-aged ribeyes!

The steaks are done and consumed!!  All I have to say is OH...MY...GOD!!  These are the best steaks I've ever eaten, or cooked!  Even my wife (who doesn't really love steak) said they were the best steaks I'd ever made, and I've been cooking steaks for her for almost 30 years!!  Imagine a tender filet mignon; that doesn't have anything on this!  And the funny part is, I believe this was "select" grade!  Not even choice or prime!

I can't even describe the tenderness and beefy flavor profile!  Incredibly juicy, fork-tender, and full-flavored!

If you're even thinking about trying dry-aging, GO FOR IT!  Definitely worth the 3-week wait!

Oh, and did I mention... WOW!!! ;D ;D


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Wow!!!  I think the company that makes the bags for dry aging is gonna owe you a commission!  I believe you may have just upped their sales by a measurable percentage.  Those look amazing!  I will be doing this soon.
Hehe...Make the check payable to:...lol!  Yeah, it's stupid simple, and they work as advertised!  Literally, the hardest part is the wait, and the trimming!  I broke a sweat trimming that bad boy!  Well-worth-it, though!  Amazed at the results!
WOW those results are amazing and were probably heavenly to eat. Great work Tony. I will be ordering up those bags
Hey Tony,
Finally, my kegerator is alive again so I can start this dry aging process.  Quick question do you trim it at all before putting in the bag?  Seems like it wouldn't be necessary or needed since you trim afterwards anyway.  Plus I'd think you would want to pull in that flavor as much as possible to the meat.
Assume it is as easy as 1, 2, 3:
1 - Buy Whole Ribeye
2 - Rinse, pat dry, and bag it in the special bag
3 - Wait & Trim
Great, Wik!  It's even easier than you stated!  I learned this from watching the videos over at UMAi:

1.  No trimming
2.  Open the cryo bag the meat is in,
3.  Pour a little of the excess juice out,
4.  Slide the meat directly into the UMAi bag - no rinsing!
5.  Seal the bag and refrigerate!

You don't want to rinse because the meat juice in the bag is clean, and the UMAi bags rely on moisture to work properly.  The moisture, on the surface of the meat, is what makes the bag bond to the surface.  If it's too dry, you won't get a proper bond. 

Watch all the videos at UMAi - good stuff!

Good luck!
Thanks for the tip!  For some reason I was thinking it had to be dry.  But it has been quite a while since I "scanned" some of those videos.  Saved me from making a huge mistake!  Definitely need to spend some time over in their videos again.
It's SO worth the time doing this!  Absolutely the best steaks I've ever had!  I bought some nice Porterhouse steaks from Sam's last weekend.  They were beautiful; well-marbled, nice and thick with a big filet on each.  Cooked them up, as usual, and even the family said they couldn't hold a candle the the aged ribeyes!  The taste was bland, in comparison, and not even close to the tenderness.  Don't get me wrong, they were really good steaks, but the dry-aging will definitely spoil you!  Proceed with caution, my friend! ;)
See there you go Tony, I don't know if I can handle NOT having dry aged after this. It would be like being in heaven then brought back to Earth and to live this as usual. Or like never having Bacon then having some and then told you can never have any again.....such horrors.
Yes I am but first I am buying a small fridge for just meats so I can keep the main fridge open to other things.
Cool!  You should be able to do 2 bags at once, with a dedicated "meat" fridge!  I just took my last three out of the freezer from this batch.  Cooking them will be a day of mixed emotions.  So happy, because they're so good, but sad because they're the last! :(  I have to get another ribeye in the fridge SOON!! ;D
Grilled the last 3 ribeyes this weekend.  Being vacuum sealed in the freezer, they thawed like fresh steaks.  If you don't have a vacuum sealer, get one! 

The family was sad that these were the last of them, so I need to get another ribeye in the fridge as soon as possible!  That way, I can have more of them the first week of April!

This will close the books on this thread.  I've gone through the whole process, and just ate the last results, and the entire experience was phenomenal!  I highly recommend the UMAi Dry Age bags, and recommend you try this (if you love great steaks).  I want to try this process on a big sirloin tip roast, and will definitely use it on this year's Christmas prime rib!! ;D 

Thanks for following on this one; hope you enjoyed the ride!

p.s. - you can still ask all the questions you want!  I'll help in any way, but I won't be posting any "new" info here about this ribeye....IT"S GONE! ;)
I received my sampler package from UMAI today.  Weston Pro2300 vac sealer arrives tomorrow.  Will be following your lead soon!