2014 Christmas Prime Rib

Bob, the method works great in the oven (minus the smoke).  When it hits 127, take it out and tent in foil - doesn't have to be wrapped tight, like pork butt or brisket.  You want to minimize the carry-over cooking while the oven heats to 500+.  The reverse sear only takes about 5-8 minutes, so keep an eye on it!  Good luck! ;D
Turned out well. Great method! Went to 130 since the crew likes meat more on the medium side. Very tasty & juicy!


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Getting ready for my New Years Day smoke...6# Choice rib roast.  Butcher did a nice job of prepping the bones.  I added Montreal Steak Seasoning for this one, and it is in fridge until noon tomorrow.  I am shooting for 127-130IT and will smoke with 3 oz of hickory, and maybe a little cherry as well.

Not sure about the time needed, but I am hoping to have it off the smoker by 5pm.


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Wow....looks great!!

I bought a huge 18 pounder last night at Costco, planning to do it in my #2 tonight for New Year's eve.  I had to cut it in half to fit in the smoker. 

Will it be ok to smoke both halves, top rack and bottom rack?  Will it effect the times.  I want to pull it about 6pm.

Hope mine comes out half as good.

Thanks all and Happy New Year!!
I think you will be OK smoking on separate racks.  I would suggest probing the bottom meat to begin, and remove when you hit the desired IT.  Then, I would move the probe to the other half of the meat to monitor IT of that piece.  I would not be surprised if they both reach temp at about the same time, assuming they are each 9# or so.

I think Tony's 9# roast took about 5 hours, so you better get the 9# boys on the smoker soon!
Thanks Steve,

It's 3 hours earlier here (California) so I have some time.  I'll get it on by noon.

Steve T.
Tank - if that's one of the whole boneless ribeyes (can't tell from the picture), the time will be a little shorter (no bones to heat up and shield the meat).  Looks like you'll have one heckuva prime rib dinner ahead!

Good luck with yours, too, Steve!  You're probably looking at around 4-4.5 hours on yours. 

Can't wait to see everyone's pics!! ;D
My smoker arrived about 4:00 p.m. Christmas eve, so, I unpacked it and started a quick burn in period.  I knew the odds would be stacked against me for cooking an important meal like Christmas dinner with absolutely no experience with my new toy.  BUT, I didn't know just how stacked against me that they would be until I woke up Christmas morning to this.


And at the end of the day, I was still able to deliver the goods.


Now I need to spend some time with the smoker and figure out how to do my auto tune. 