#2 Arrived - Never used a Smoker - Need tips and Advice - Thank you!


New member
I just received my #2 smoker last night.  Seasoned it for 3 hours according to directions in box.  I am now ready to smoke for the very first time.  I have a 2.25lb pork sirloin tip roast that I picked up from Costco.  It is seasoned and ready to go.  Will you please provide some feedback, tips, advice ect... on how I should cook this roast.  I have been reading a lot of advice from different members and not sure if I should put it on top rack, bottom rack, cooking time.  Would like a nice bark on it.  Any feedback is greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  :)
No doubt you will find great advice through on the forum, especially in the pork section.    I would put the roast in the middle of the smoker and be sure to have a remote meat therm that you can use to check the internal temp of the roast.  I am guessing that you will probably need 2 hours or so to reach your desired IT.  I would recommend 2-3oz of wood for this smoke.
Any update?  Sorry I missed your post yesterday - been tied up with my day (and night) job!  Steve's dead-on.  I will say that it's tough to smoke a roast that small - hard to get bark on something that only takes a couple of hours to cook.  Might have to give it a little "reverse-sear" in a hot oven (500+) or on the grill!