1st butt questions


New member
This upcoming Friday i am thinking about doing a boston butt and have a few questions and wanted to make sure i have the correct thought process.

1.  I am assuming a 7-8 lb butt is enough for 6 adults?
2.  I need to put the dry rub on the butt the night before i put it in the smoker?
3.  What type of wood is the best?
4.  I should assume 1.5 hours per lb to get to 190 as long as the stall is not too bad.
5.  After it hits 190 pull out and foil and let rest in cooler for at least 1 hour.
6.  Bone in better?
7.  What do i need to look for with the fat cap i have been reading about?

Is it better to do day before and then heat up the next day?
Hi Eric...here are my thoughts:

1.  I am assuming a 7-8 lb butt is enough for 6 adults?  Yes, unless they are BIG eaters!
2.  I need to put the dry rub on the butt the night before i put it in the smoker?  Yes, but I would suggest brining the butt first, for at least 8 hours, then remove and rub.  Let it sit overnight in the fridge to get happy with the rub.
3.  What type of wood is the best?  I use hickory, but this is a matter of personal taste.
4.  I should assume 1.5 hours per lb to get to 190 as long as the stall is not too bad.    I recommend allowing 2 hours per lb, and I would go to 195F at least before removing.    You don't want to run out of time, so 2 hours/lb should get the job done and allow for plenty of rest time.  Don't mess with the temp setting - just let the stall do its thing.
5.  After it hits 190 pull out and foil and let rest in cooler for at least 1 hour.  Again, I would suggest 195IT as a minimum, and you definitely want to let it rest for 1-2 hours.  I suggest double wrapping in foil, and cover in towels and place in a cooler.  This time is critical to allow the juices in the butt to redistribute.
6.  Bone in better?  Yes, so I am told, but my butcher only sells boneless.  If you go boneless, then you will want to butcher tie the butt so it does not fall apart.  If you can get a bone in, then give that a try.
7.  What do i need to look for with the fat cap i have been reading about?  The fat cap should be trimmed, and I always put the butt in the smoker with the fat cap on the up side.

Good luck...you will really like what these smokers can do on a boston butt!  ;D
well, as they say...there is no right answer in Q except the one that works for you.  I agree with most of what Steve said, but would like to add some thoughts.  For pulled pork, I always shoot for 200-205 IT and haven't had any problems with it being dry.  However, that does mean that I have to use butcher twine on bone in as well.  I forgot that step last weekend and my butt just fell apart when I was trying to take it out. 

Personally, I don't trim the fat cap but I do score it so the rub can get through.  Then when I get ready to shred it, I'll remove any large fat pieces still present.  It probably doesn't help, but in my head I want as much fat on it as possible for rendering so it self bastes.
Good points ... I don't recommend cutting off the entire fat cap, but I do trim it a bit.  Yes, you want the fat to baste into the butt.    As for the temperature, if I have the time for a 2+ hours rest, then 195IT works well to pull the butt as it will continue to heat in the double foil/towels in the cooler.
swthorpe said:
2.  I need to put the dry rub on the butt the night before i put it in the smoker?  Yes, but I would suggest brining the butt first, for at least 8 hours, then remove and rub.  Let it sit overnight in the fridge to get happy with the rub.

I brine overnight, pat dry in the morning, rub with mustard and apply my rub.  On a thick cut of meat like a butt, I'm not a believer in rub penetration, more for bark & bite.
Nobody mentioned rinsing after brining and before patting dry.  The two times I've NOT rinsed the meat was too salty to eat, make sure you rinse before drying / coating / rubbing.
What is the best brine to use or just use the search function. Thanks all of the help.  I have hickory so that should work fine.
This is the one I used and am pretty sure I found somewhere here on the forum, turned out great.

1 gallon water
1 cup kosher salt
1 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
1 tblsp garlic powder
1 tblsp onion powder
1 tblsp cayenne
2 tsp black pepper

I like to add all of the ingredients to 1/2 gal of hot water and stir until dissolved, then add in the rest of water in the form of ice cubes and cold water.  If you are more patient than me you could just mix it all up then put it in the fridge to cool down.  The main thing is to not pour hot brine over your meat, the meat/brine temp should remain at or under 40 degrees per the guidance I've seen here on the forum.
Sounds amazing and thank you for the responses.  I am going to buy a bone in if I can find it at my local supermarket (Publix) and get some butcher twine as well. 

Here is what I gathered for a Friday smoke:

1. Get the butt with the bone in if I can and trim off some of the fat cap
2. Brine Wednesday night for approximately 8-12 hours. Probably will get a briner JR just to be safe.
3. Wake up and rinse off the brine and pat dry. 
4. Put Jeff Phillips rub Thursday morning and let rest on there for 24 hours.
5. Wake up Friday morning at 6 am and put in smoker with some hickory and cherry at 225 degrees.
6. Insert Maverick probe just to know where I am at.
7. Leave for work at 8 am and be back at the house by 5:30. 
8. As soon as it hits 200-205 take out of smoker, double foil and let rest in cooler for at least 1 hour. 2 preferred.
9. Pull the pork and serve with Jeff Phillips bbq sauce

If I put it in at 6 am I am assuming it would be enough time to eat at 7 pm or probably cutting it a little close.  I can always put it in the smoker earlier if needed just to be on the safe side.  What do you think?
Looks like a great plan, Eric!  My only worry is the amount of time in the smoker...I would go with 2 hrs/lb to be sure that you can get it on the table at 7pm and allow at least 1 hour of rest.  So for a 7lb butt, I would allow for 14 hours in the smoker, plus one hour for rest, or a total of 15 hours.  You may not need the full 2 hours, but if you do, you will miss your 7pm target.  So, I would get it on sooner than 6am.    Now here's the downside...if it only takes 1.5 hrs/lb instead of 2, then the butt will reach your desired IT before you get back home at 5:30pm for a 7lb butt, but you will definitely make it for dinner at 7pm.   

It's just very hard to anticipate the actual time needed -- but here's another suggestion:  start at 6am, and check the temp when you get home at 5:30.  If the butt has not reached your desired IT, you could move it to the oven and finish at 350F or so.  This would get you to the desired temp quicker and allow sufficient rest before serving at 7pm.  Just another thought. 
A couple of midnight suppers and I have learned to allow for a little over the 2 hours per pound! I have had some cook a little quicker but in my number 2 seems like it takes every bit of the 2 hours per pound. Always better to finish early and let it rest a little longer. I did 2 this weekend and let them rest in the cooler with towels for 2.5 hours and it was still too hot to handle when I started pulling it.
If you are commonly going to be at work all day (or drinking hard all weekend like we are) while the SI does it's thing, I would really recommend getting an Auber.

Say we're working with a 7lb butt which is expected to smoke for 10.5-14hrs.

Set the Auber to start at 4AM. 
- If it ends up on the quick side you can just have the Auber crank down to 140 once the meat hits your target IT of 200 (the meat will probably still climb a few degrees while the smoker is cooling off, so leave the crank down temp a bit under the target 205), it basically turns from smoker to warming oven and holds the meat until you get home. 
- If it ends up taking the full time you're able to get back home about the time it hits target temp, then you can wrap and rest.

All that said, trying to plan around work/commute hours is why we generally smoke one the weekends.  For long smokes I have the Auber kick off while I'm passed out very early Sat morning, then we're home and just hanging out drinking until the meat is done sometime that afternoon.  Week days grilling is just a lot quicker/easier and more convenient.
At much debate for me among us is the 225 smoke temp.  A butt is not a delicate cut of meat and can easily take higher smoke temps.  At 225, one is just dragging out the process.  IMO, 235 to 240 is guaranteed to produce quality in a MUCH shorter period of time.  This small difference in temperature can result is a 20 to 30 minute per pound delta in cook time over a 225. 
I will put it in a little sooner rather than later just to be on the safe side.  In theory with a 8 pounder I could put it on at 12 midnight (usual bed time) and assuming 2 hours per pound and it would be done somewhere around 4pm before the rest.

Since my wife is home I can have her take it out, double foil it and then let it rest in a cooler for 3 hours prior to serving.  That might be a more practical way for me to do it. 

For the Auber I do agree it does have it advantages and will get one down the line.  Fortunately for me most of the time I will be smoking on the weekends.
Sounds good, Eric.  I would not want to be at work all afternoon worrying about the butt in the smoker, so having your wife remove it "IF IF IF" it reaches your IT before you get home is a good move!  Allow the extra time...I think you will be happy you did.  Look forward to hearing of your results.  Cheers
Sorry for the late reply, Eric, but I see the guys have pretty well covered it!  Here's my brined butt method:

Brined Boston Butt for Pulled Pork

It's still my "go to" every time, but I no longer smoke to 200.  I've found that anywhere in the 190's is juicy and tender.  Once the meat gets through the stall, the tenderizing is pretty much done.  I never go past 195 now, and have great results.
And the butt is now brining. Put it in at 8:30 pm and will take it out at 7 am tomorrow morning. Will rinse it off and pat dry and then put the rub in there for 24 hours.
Rinsed off the butt this morning and patted it dry.  Put the mustard and the rub on and wrapped it up and put it back in the fridge for 24 hours.