1st Brisket..Success!!!


New member
Finally decided to do my first brisket..Bought a 16lb prime/packer at Costco and spent the last week looking at numerous past updates in the SI forum about the anything related to briskets. Here was my plan and some of the challenges/questions I faced today.

Used Tony's brine recipe and added some Tender quick to get the smoke ring.
Brined for 15-16 hours. Used 8oz (hickory/maple combo)
Also used Tony's advise and purchased some Jim Baldridge seasoning
One error I did make on the prep side was to follow some "you-tube" video's on trimming the brisket. I did take a lot of the fat between the point and flat and I saw several posts after the fact from the experts on this forum advising to keep this fat in. To compensate I just placed some of the fat trimmings back into the cavity between the flat and point.
Wanted to eat at 2:00pm today so I calculated a smoke time of 16 hours (13lb after trim x 1.25/lb)
Put the brisket in the smoker at 7:00pm last night and set at 225 with a probe IT of 195.
Put the probe in the thickest part between the point and flat
Set the alarm at 5:00am this morning and to my surprise the IT was already 193.
I let sit for another 15-20 minutes and when it hit 195 I took out the brisket and checked with a
second manual probe. Point was at 195 and flat at 190.
Kept reading about the importance of "feel" and the jiggly test. The point area had some "jiggle" but it was not like jello. I then tried the tooth pick test and neither the point or flat was like butter with this test. Decided to put the brisket back in for an hour. Point hit 198 and flat 194.. Took out the brisket and it still did not pass the toothpick "like butter" test. Did not want to overcook so I double wrapped and placed in cooler at 7:30am..
Was nervous when I unwrapped and started to cut but found the point to be very juicy/moist and the flat a bit drier but still moist and very flavorable.. Even had the smoke ring I was hoping for.
All my family members raved about the brisket (13 people) and we had very few leftovers.

Already looking forward to my next brisket. Could not have done it without all the help from the SI community ( Tony, Kari, Brian, Laura etc).. All your past follow-up on questions was very, very helpful for me.. This forum is still the best "selling tool" SI has to promote this great product.     


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Pictures look good Gene! Those you-tube trimming videos are enticing! They do tend to trim more than desirable for smoking in my opinion. Everyone over-trims their first time! It's hard to stop. It's kind of fun. Just trim the really thick parts down to 3/8 to 1/2 inch, and you are done. That means basically no trimming the top of the flat. I like to score the thicker areas of fat. The Prime packers at Costco are about the best you can get. Was worried that your smoke ring might be too large, but looks good. Many of us have started leaving the TenderQuick out of the brine, and instead dusting the brisket just before smoking with Morton TenderQuick, letting it sit for 30 minutes to an hour, then rinsing. Add the rub, then directly into the smoker. More control over the size of the faux smoke ring that way. I don't even brine the Prime packers from Costco. They are that good. Just trim, TenderQuick, rinse, rub, and into the smoker. Make sure you don't put the probe between the flat and the point in that big pocket of fat. If you can...invest in two probes for brisket, one in the middle of the flat, and one in the middle of the point. I don't even open the door until the flat registers 195, and the point is between 200-205. The Costco Prime brisket will not do you wrong at these temps. Once you get your first perfectly jiggly brisket, you'll know forever what to look for.
Kari-  Appreciate the follow-up. Learned a lot from this first brisket smoke and will definitely trim less fat on the next one. Will also skip the brining (sorry Tony!!) on my next attempt and just try the dusting of Tender Quick/rinse/rub and into the smoker process. I am sure I will get the "jiggly' feel part down with future smokes.

Everytime I look at the forum I see new ideas and smokes that I need to try. The pork belly/bacon/maple syrup thread made my mouth water.. May have to try that next. 

I think it's the user "Pork Belly" on here that always says not to worry too much about trimming... I used to spend a lot of time on trimming. These days, I'll cut off any thick "useless" fat, and trim the fat pocket between flat and point just to make the shape of the brisket more aerodynamic. Then salt+pepper, and toss it on. Really, some of the most simple prepped briskets have been my best.
Excellent hunk of "Goodness!"  Me thinks there's another Briskitarian in the making here.
Thanks Guys.. Already looking forward to my next brisket smokes.

Did get some bad news today about my local Costco's dropping their full packer/prime briskets.
That was not good news.. Told them they do not realize how much free P/R they were getting on this website for this specific cut of meat.. Heck, it was the main reason I got a Costco membership.. 
kona77 said:
Did get some bad news today about my local Costco's dropping their full packer/prime briskets.
That was not good news.. Told them they do not realize how much free P/R they were getting on this website for this specific cut of meat.. Heck, it was the main reason I got a Costco membership..

Gene, being that you are from Wisconsin, which Costco? And how did you find that out, or who did you talk to that gave you that information? Costco is notorious for not allowing customers to have any personal interactions with anyone in the meat department, or any other employee for that matter. I will be devastated if my Costco in Sun Prairie or Madison stops carrying the Prime packers.

I was given this information by two different people at the Menomonee Falls location. I then called the Grafton location and was given the same information. I sent an E-mail to Costco and they also
confirmed. The meat department in the Falls location just had flats on my last two visits.

I sent a message back to Costco telling them they needed to reconsider their decision 
I will be checking with my Costco in Plano Texas today about this. I purchased 32 of them last year. I certainly hope this is not the case.
Meat worker at Costco said he hadn't heard of anything about that and that he certainly hoped not. It is a big seller for them. They are still at $3.99 # so I am holding off a little longer and I did't see any I really liked as well.

If you bought 32 briskets last year than I need to move into your neighborhood :P

Maybe this is just a decision for my local Costco locations.. Tried another E-mail to Costco and got the "We will forward to the appropriate buyer " response..
As a side note, I went into SAMS last week & they were selling prime packers & pork bellies. 
Walt said:
As a side note, I went into SAMS last week & they were selling prime packers & pork bellies.
Well, that's an awfully good side note and I hope it's true as well for down here in Texas.
kona77 said:

If you bought 32 briskets last year than I need to move into your neighborhood :P

Walt, if you ever move to Texas, 1) your certainly welcome in my neighborhood. With 2 of us we can really put out some goodness aroma and 2) you have to know that after 6 months you will never want to go back or leave!

I did smoke a total of 35, bought 32 from Costco. I am trying to get a friend of mine who has a daughter who happens to be a buyer at Costco to see if she can check around for us on this. She doesn't buy meat, but if I find out anything definite I will post.
Walt, that might seem like a lot of brisket and it is, but I do a lot of meals for my church. I would guess maybe 1/3 of that is for church events. 6 of the 32 was a open house event I did for the company I retired from. I do not do catering, I just love to smoke meat, mainly brisket thus the "briskitarian" name. I also say I have a case of Brisketitus!
From my viewpoint, and nothing against those that cater, but I feel that those that do have never worked harder for less money in their life and they deserve every penny they earn. Not a slap to them by any means, but I'm just a backyard chef. I also provide a lot of vacuum packed protein to those I know who come out of the hospital, have a illness, etc. Whether it be Brisket, Chicken Breast, or Salmon, frozen vacuum packs are easy for them to prepare and it is a tremendous short period help and as long as I am able to do this I will.  AND, my bride and I eat a lot of the Goodness ourselves. And I will say that while I have been doing this a while, Tony and everyone on this forum has got me to enjoy it again, and for that I thank everyone! Didn't mean to get long winded, so I quit now.
Doug you are a good man to cook for your church. Keep up the good work!! I am sure that you are well appreciated and loved.
Your story sounds familiar. I have seen quite a few posts, on this forum, over the years beginning...... I am cooking this for.....a sick friend, a funeral, a wedding, a church event, etc. I also do this frequently for my own causes. Being blessed enough to have developed (or attempting to develop) a skill set and a passion for good food is an opportunity to help and a true expression of our effort, love and time to share. The forum is filled with such examples. Kudos to you Doug and to the rest of you. You know who you are......
Interesting note about Sam's having pork belly and Prime whole packers. Is the pork belly whole (usually 9-11 pound slab)? Up until recently, I had heard that Sam's did not have pork belly, and also only had Choice whole packers (not Prime). Anyone else seen this at their Sam's?
Kari, I will check out the Dallas Sams on Monday and I am anticipating a reply about Costco sometime a Monday as well.