
New member
Thinking about getting one, one question, my power sometimes blips off at the house for short time , less than a min., after I set this up and start cooking if power goes off and comes right back on will I have to reset the pid ? Or will it still be set to start working again?
I read a post on this so, this is second hand, but they reported that when the power comes back on, it reverts to the last program before this cook.  So, if you cook the same things or constantly use the same settings, it sounds like you would be okay.  But if your last smoke was drastically different, you'd have to re-program every time the power blips.
When the power blips, or you turn the switch off, the program comes back on to the last program you manually input.  I don't use the stored programs, and instead set up each smoke in my kitchen, power-off, then hook up to the smoker.  When you power on, the program starts from the beginning.  So, if the power goes off and on while you're on, say, step 2, the program will start over, but will quickly step to 2 when it sees the trigger is reached (if it's temp).

Set the program before the cook, and no worries.  Doesn't matter what program, just set the one unique to that particular smoke.