Wood profile after smoke


New member
Newbie here. After a smoke should my wood chunks be ash or a black charred piece. Notice after my first smoke I got a smoke burp from vent. Had some ash and a little charred chunks
That is pretty normal for me.  Once in a while I will have nothing but ash. All ash generally means the wood caught fire, but it typically extinguishes quickly.  I don't have an issue the the flavor of the food.  There are postings about controlling the wood so as to prevent it from catching fire.  Use the search feature.
I always go for charcoal...  I figure if the wood catches on fire then I won't get smoke from it for as long and it seems to mess with the temperature inside the smoker somewhat.  As Sarge says, it probably doesn't matter, but everyone needs a hobby, right?  :)  To prevent it, I put a double thick piece of aluminum foil in the smoke box and poke small, skewer, size holes in it.  This restricts the airflow sufficiently to avoid combustion in almost all cases.

The other reason I want mine to come out as charcoal is because I then transfer it to my charcoal bin for use in my grill which means I get double use and I don't have to buy charcoal as often.
