Will 3 Turkey Breast work ok in my SI #2?

Papa Rick

New member
I have smoked one and even two at one time but never three and was not sure if this is a good thing to do or not?

1.  If I do this will I need to allow extra time for them to all get to 165?

2.  I was planning on doing larger one in the middle below the two smaller ones on top, placed as close to the sides as I can to allow it to heat more evenly.

3. They are 8, 8.5 and 9.5 Honeysuckle White Turkey Breast.  Will it matter which one I place on the bottom?

4.  Cherry wood, and then Pecan on the T Breast correct?

5.  Bring them up to 165 and then rest them for at least one hour.

6.  How long would you give to be on the safe side to get all three done, as we are eating at 11:30.

7.  They are in a 15% brine solution in the bag from the store.  I have never did the brine on the birds before and they have turned out great.  Should I stick to this or brine them overnight?

8.  I have two probes, not sure the third one is working, so if not, it would be better to place one in the big bird, then one in the smaller bird to start with and then checked the bird not probed before pulling out correct?

9.  Do you think the bigger bird will hit the 165 mark too fast and miss up the other two getting done in a timely manner?

10.  Since this is a Turkey Breast, would you do the water in the pan or not?

I have done these before, one and then two before and they turned out great, but now they want three TB for the Thanksgiving get together.

The SI # 2 can and has worked great for me, but just not sure about doing 3 at one time.  Looking for advice and suggestions please.
Papa Rick said:
1.  If I do this will I need to allow extra time for them to all get to 165?  No.  Should cook as a single.

2.  I was planning on doing larger one in the middle below the two smaller ones on top, placed as close to the sides as I can to allow it to heat more evenly.  Good plan, but don't put the top 2 too close to the sides, or it may effect the heat flow around them.

3. They are 8, 8.5 and 9.5 Honeysuckle White Turkey Breast.  Will it matter which one I place on the bottom?  Always go the biggest on bottom (closest to the heat source), no matter what kind of meat.

4.  Cherry wood, and then Pecan on the T Breast correct?  Not sure what you mean "and then."  Do you open and add additional wood??  If you do, I'd recommend not to.  Of those choices, I'd go 50/50 from the get go.  No need to change wood.

5.  Bring them up to 165 and then rest them for at least one hour.  Perfect.

6.  How long would you give to be on the safe side to get all three done, as we are eating at 11:30.  Around 4 hours should do.  Might want to add an hour, just to be safe.  Smoke them at 250.

7.  They are in a 15% brine solution in the bag from the store.  I have never did the brine on the birds before and they have turned out great.  Should I stick to this or brine them overnight?  I'd brine them, but that's just my opinion.  Others may vary.

8.  I have two probes, not sure the third one is working, so if not, it would be better to place one in the big bird, then one in the smaller bird to start with and then checked the bird not probed before pulling out correct?  Perfect.

9.  Do you think the bigger bird will hit the 165 mark too fast and miss up the other two getting done in a timely manner?  If you put the largest below, they should be pretty even, as far as getting done.  Just watch the temp, and pull them when they hit 165.

10.  Since this is a Turkey Breast, would you do the water in the pan or not?  No.  I never use a water pan with poultry.  The skin is a water barrier, and adding steam only makes it even more rubbery!

Great to see you again, Rick!  Hope this helps, and have a happy Thanksgiving! :D
DivotMaker said:
Papa Rick said:
1.  If I do this will I need to allow extra time for them to all get to 165?  No.  Should cook as a single.

2.  I was planning on doing larger one in the middle below the two smaller ones on top, placed as close to the sides as I can to allow it to heat more evenly.  Good plan, but don't put the top 2 too close to the sides, or it may effect the heat flow around them.  Great, did not think about his, Appreciate it!

3. They are 8, 8.5 and 9.5 Honeysuckle White Turkey Breast.  Will it matter which one I place on the bottom?  Always go the biggest on bottom (closest to the heat source), no matter what kind of meat.

4.  Cherry wood, and then Pecan on the T Breast correct?  Not sure what you mean "and then."  Do you open and add additional wood??  If you do, I'd recommend not to.  Of those choices, I'd go 50/50 from the get go.  No need to change wood.  Didn't make myself clear on this one.  I meant to say, if you have Cherry use it first and then if not Pecan.

5.  Bring them up to 165 and then rest them for at least one hour.  Perfect.

6.  How long would you give to be on the safe side to get all three done, as we are eating at 11:30.  Around 4 hours should do.  Might want to add an hour, just to be safe.  Smoke them at 250.

7.  They are in a 15% brine solution in the bag from the store.  I have never did the brine on the birds before and they have turned out great.  Should I stick to this or brine them overnight?  I'd brine them, but that's just my opinion.  Others may vary.

8.  I have two probes, not sure the third one is working, so if not, it would be better to place one in the big bird, then one in the smaller bird to start with and then checked the bird not probed before pulling out correct?  Perfect.

9.  Do you think the bigger bird will hit the 165 mark too fast and miss up the other two getting done in a timely manner?  If you put the largest below, they should be pretty even, as far as getting done.  Just watch the temp, and pull them when they hit 165.

10.  Since this is a Turkey Breast, would you do the water in the pan or not?  No.  I never use a water pan with poultry.  The skin is a water barrier, and adding steam only makes it even more rubbery!

Great to see you again, Rick!  Hope this helps, and have a happy Thanksgiving! :D

THANKS I Appreciate it very much.  Don't get to get on here often as I am a Truck Driver, but when I do it is always with great results!
Be safe out there, Brother.  Glad you're gonna be home for Thanksgiving!  We worked hard to get all of our drivers home, that wanted to be.  Tough business.