Wild Hogs


New member
Live in North Akansas and my neighbor has a Hog trap and gets a lot of pigs. 

Started to try and smoke them.  First was labeled 'roasts' looked like tenderloins so I over cooked them, to my taste, but they gave me more pork.  The deal is: give me two I smoke one for you and one for me.  Win Win.  They loved them and gave me two more but this time looks like shoulder, no bone but they butcher themselves, so.

My first at a night smoke. I brined with DV for 13+ hrs then in with mustard and my version of and Famous Daves, have had four different finger taste tests to confirm closeness at 1:00 am. It is only 5 lbs.  Wild hogs are not as big or fatty.  This is the cruxt.  Figure more 1.5  rather than the 2 for doneness.  So, up at six to check and make crapes with strawberries and canoli cream for 'she who must be obeyed'. 

Did the water boat so should be good all night.  No pics now but will in the finish, hopefully.  Trying to see the difference in the time with published raised hog to wild.  Think I need two probes for IT and cook one wild and one raised.  That may be my next experiment.  Futher details to follow.
Darn, got up and unit was off.  Breaker and power outage due to snow fall.  Well since it was freezing out and temp in box was of a refrigerator just restarted.

Not sure how long it cooked but the wood was chared and looked and felt like charcoal.  Who knows.  Further update later.
Probably too late but since wild is a lot leaner and tougher than farm raised, I might have tried smoking for the first half and braising for the second half to introduce some steam. 
i wouldn't mind getting some more..i knew a guy who was capturing them and raising them for a long time. sounds crazy but he raised a ton of them but he retired from it late last year .. he kept my freezer full of pork for a good while. as a matter of fact i even bought my big chest freezer off of him .. 22 cu ft .. 100 bucks.. can't beat it still runs like a champ. holds a lot of meat
No pictures but I found out my wall box went bad.  I just ran a stout cord from another box fired it back up and it took another 7 hrs to get to 180.  Also added some pork ribletts for 5 hrs.  Everything turned out great.  Rested for an hour with the foil, towl and cooler.  Late dinner but well worth it. 

The meat was juicy and pulled right off the flat bone as I was slicing it. 

Calling the electritian this week.