Whole Packer....Smoking Flat and Point seperately....

G man

New member
Headed to Costco for a whole packer.  Presently they are around 15 pounds.  Way too much meat, (even after shrinkage) for basically one person.

I've read about cutting, and separating the point from the flat, and wondering if it will be just fine to smoke the flat first and the point at a later date?  (will probably freeze).  I plan to make burnt ends from the point.

Conversely, is it o.k.  to freeze the point after smoking?

Thanks in advance for all the great help this forum provides.

Terminology can be confusing.  The point is a mound on one end of the flat.  If you removed the point, you would be left with a flat that was equal in size to the original packer brisket.  When all I had was a small smoker, I commonly cut the brisket in half just behind the point and smoked them separately.  All parts will vacuum seal and freeze well. 
If I remove the point, how could it possibly be equal in size? (weight).... It may be as long and wide, but will weigh less.  I was not concerned with the size of the piece....just the weight and amount that I would be cooking.

My point (pun kind of  intended) was to cook a smaller amount of meat.. 
If footprint size of the meat is not of a concern, you are correct.  However, I would not separate the point that way because the fat layer between the point and the flat is part of what makes the point so great. 
I would cut the flat off and brine that for corned beef, then smoke the flat. Still a large amount of meat for one person but that breaks it up.

Also flats are typically lean unless they are prime and well marbled, making it into corned beef will keep it moist. Smoked Point is always better than flat.
Cut it from top to bottom, leaving the small portion of the flat under the point.
Packers smoke better whole if you can and vacuum seal and reheat "extremely" well. So, I would just smoke it whole and then vacuum seal the rest in meal sized portions.

You can reheat by simmering the vacuum sealed back in simmering water (my favorite) or reheat in a crock pot with some beer/apple juice/water and often times it will taste even better than when it was fresh out of the smoker.
Briskets freeze great and re-heat perfect.

I have brought back many briskets this last year from Texas, frozen and then re-heated and they are excellent.

The ones I have done in my trusty #2, do just as well. I love to keep extra brisket for tacos and bbq pizza!

G Man, I can fit about a 12 lb packer in the #2, uncut.  It's always best to smoke a packer whole, if possible.  I smoke for 3, and always have more than we eat at one sitting.  If you have a vacuum sealer (a must for our craft, imo), it freezes quite well!  When you reheat it, it's just like the day it came out of the smoker.  Always easier to smoke more than you need and freeze the leftover!
+1. Smoke the whole thing, and freeze what you don't eat in portions. Brisket is probably one of the best meats to maintain its original flavor after freezing and reheating. Doesn't suffer at all. And when you pull out one of those frozen portions, you will feel really happy, and glad you did that.
Pork Belly said:
Cut it from top to bottom, leaving the small portion of the flat under the point.
I prefer this approach because of the vast difference in thickness between the 2 ends.  The thin end of the flat doesn't have to be over cooked in order to achieve the right IT at the other end. 
Sounds like I need to do it whole....

And now it sounds like I need a seal a meal or???

Costco is my preferred vendor...

Thanks for all the advice.
Looks like you are getting slightly different advice as to whether to cut it in half or not. I have a #1, so I always cut mine in half, because it's the only way it fits. Just straight through, which leaves a little of the flat with the point. Place on two racks, with the point below the flat. There is an advantage to two pieces in that you can temp each piece separately, and pull each out as done. I like to go about 193-195 on the flat, and 200-203 on the point, but you'll find different opinions on that too. For some reason, even though they are separated, my two pieces always seem to arrive at their ideal temps at the same time (go figure). I think one thing everyone seems to be pretty much in agreement on is to cook the whole thing is one session (but not necessarily in one piece) and freeze the extra. If it fits, you can try cooking in one piece. If not, then no problem cutting into two.

I resisted buying a vacuum sealer for quite a while (another bulky thing that gobbles up space), but now that I have it, I really am glad. It just has to reside in the basement. ;D
Vacuum sealer is a must have in our arsenal in my opinion.

I place my briskets with the point end toward the back of my smoker as that tends to be warmer than the front and my point flat probes always seem to arrive at pretty close to the same time. They separate for awhile during the smoke and I think one is going to end up getting done way before other, but then they always even out toward the end.