Who likes beer?


New member
Spawning from the thread on smoked beers....

We like smoked meat. What goes great with smoked meat? Beer.

Who around here likes beer? Like.... REALLY likes beer?

I'm an Untappd user. An app where you check in different beers you've had, rate them, provide short commentary on them, etc. Basically so Drunk Aaron can tell Sober Aaron when he's out beer shopping "Hey dude... you've had this before, and you didn't like it." I've had over 1600 distinct check-ins in the past 2.5 years, and almost 3500 check-ins overall in that time. (Distinct meaning a beer I haven't had before)

To facilitate this, I travel a lot for work all up and down the east coast, and fill the work vehicle with beer during my travels. I also do a good bit of beer trading with other out of state folks via FedEx.

Down in the basement, I have a full size fridge/freezer. The fridge portion is nothing but beer. The freezer portion is currently about 4 briskets, 2 Boston Butts, a pork crown roast, and a couple deer tenderloins. Every man's dream. A fridge full of nothing but meat and beer.

So, who else is really, REALLY, into beer? Do you have a "go-to" for smoked meat? One just for while smoking?
Hey Aaron,

I am a beer fan also, but also enjoy wine. I home brewed for about 20 years, but don't have the time right now.

Hopefully in the next few years, I will take up the hobby again!

That's one thing I haven't gotten into... brewing. There are so many good craft breweries around, it's hard for me to justify brewing my own. There are 3 breweries here in Staunton, 4 more 20 minutes away in Harrisonburg, 14 more around the Charlottesville area... 
va_rider said:
That's one thing I haven't gotten into... brewing. There are so many good craft breweries around, it's hard for me to justify brewing my own. There are 3 breweries here in Staunton, 4 more 20 minutes away in Harrisonburg, 14 more around the Charlottesville area...


You can brew a case of beer for what it costs to buy the beer in a six pack. If you are drinking the beer out.... wow you can brew a lot of beer for that price.

Folks always liked when I came for dinner, I would bring either home made beer or wine. Add some fresh bread or something you just smoked and you are the hit of the party.

It is a fun hobby, but you have to have the time and be willing to wait 4-6 weeks to turn out some amazing beer.

An easier question might be "Who DOESN'T like beer?" LOL

I do have to admit that I am a beer weakling as I don't do heavy beers. I like Lagers, Bocks, Pilsners but not a fan of IPA's and Ales. Too strong for me I guess. I have wanted to get into home brew but it seems the beers I like are the hardest to brew! I have a buddy in TN that homebrews but he's mostly an IPA guy so it works for him.
If I'm drinking something with an alcohol content, I want it to do its job faster than beer.  I reserve my beer drinking to 100+ degree California summer temps. 
Good beer is like a fine wine, but most folks really don't or could not tell the difference or really care.

But over time if you continue to try new beers and wine, you will find that your tastes will change over time.

If you are a beer drinker, the first time you try Grolsch beer you may comment that it tastes like fresh cut grass (I love the hops), but my wife not so much.

Wine, most folks like white wine, but red wine, takes a bit for the taste to develop for most folks.

But being raised Greek, I also ways enjoy a good red, oh heck I love a white also.

Just my 2 cents.


My general rule is that I drink beer brewed in the state that I am in.  I live in Michigan so I mostly drink Michigan beer.  When I travel I like to find beers brewed in the state I am visiting.
Fortunately, beer and BBQ is a match made in heaven! ;D  I keep it simple...pretty much a Miller Lite guy, day-to-day, but enjoy full-bodied beers on the weekend.  I love Foster's Lager (even though I know it's not really Australian beer), but also really like ambers (Shiner, Amber Bock).  I also go old school with Miller High Life in bottles (definitely not cans).  Never got into the whole "craft brew" craze.  We have a few breweries in my area, but they're way overpriced, imo.  There are some very good ones, but just not worth it, to me.  Would love to home brew, but just no time for it.
Sam Adams, Stella Artois, Old Milwaukee, PBR, Chimay, Miller High Life, MGD, Guinness, Dos Equis, San Miguel, Sapporo, Fat Tire,  etc.  I sort of wander all over, don't really have a favorite.
You sound like me, Dave!  If I'm feeling "fancy," I spring for Canadian (Moosehead).  I think Canadians make the best imports (for my taste).
gregbooras said:
But over time if you continue to try new beers and wine, you will find that your tastes will change over time.

This is so true. 1000 times over.

I've been so spoiled by the amazing beers coming out of the small craft breweries in New England, like The Alchemist, Tree House, Trillium, Bissell Brothers, etc. The thought of drinking some of the beers mentioned here makes me cringe. Even beer that I liked 2 years ago, I really don't like anymore. The craft beer scene can turn you into an unholy beer snob in a quick manner.
I'm an oddball on the wine thing because I rarely like whites, but love a dry red.  Beer wise, I don't really like any american style lager.  I do tend to like the ambers and bocks and am usually up for trying something new.  Since I don't drink much beer, I tend to either raid the stash of my roomies or try something new when I go out.