Where did everyone go??

DM popped in Christmas morning but did not post anything.  As for many of the others, I reckon they are busy.
Dave's right about members being busy and not being able to participate as frequently as in the past but they regularly pop in and check out the board.  I found that in some cases former forum regulars were able to elicit more response and when they dropped off replies to their posts dried up.  I am sure there are a lot of other OG's who are still around.
DM's absence is definitely missed as well as some of the other older prolific forum posters.  But the forum continues.
It's pretty normal for interests and participation to ebb and flow...  these smokers are so easy that most of what can be said probably has been said at one time or another.  :)

I don't even consider my knowledge to be as comprehensive as some of the others that don't post as often, but I am on here a lot and share when I can.  That, too, will surely change at some point as life marches on.  My freezer is relatively full and I'm starting on some home remodeling projects right now so even that will keep me from smoking much for a little while and I probably won't be as active here.

The nice thing about the forums is that all of that old wisdom is still here and searchable!  Hopefully some of the old family members will drop in and say hello once in a while.  :)
I have not posted much in a the last year. While not working, enjoying life has taken up a lot of time. I still use my smoker and this forum for ideas/help and hopefully will do better in the future at sharing some of my smokes. Enjoy the 4th and Happy Smoking!
I am new here but I check everyday and myself am busy with house upgrades painting etc. Plus our weather has been bad  but ihope to smoke in the next week and BBQ as well.
One of the biggest things folks can do when they check in is to welcome any and all new comers. Sharing tips and such is a plus as is offering help.  But a welcome gets the ball rolling.
Thanks to everyone!!  I appreciate it very much.  It is nice to know they are still doing ok, just staying busy. 
Hey Papa,
Still kickin, but been busy with other things. I will do my best to start to post again.
Planning ribs on Thursday!
Best Greg
I check in a couple times each week. Most topics have been extensively covered, I will comment if needed or I document an interesting cook. Otherwise, blending back to more of a lurker.
Howdy All

I do check in once a week or so ... just don't post as much. Hate to say it, but with my #1 and # 2 both smoking the results have become almost routine in a very good way. High quality with predictable results on all the majors ... briskets, boston butts, ribs, yardbirds of various shapes and sizes, sausages and pork bellies. Loving my Smokin-It's!
I’m not up to the experience level that some of you more senior guys are. I have only had my smoker for a year.  But I intend to try to check in every once in a while in a way of giving back for all this information that’s been shared before me  It is true that most things are well covered, but it is good to keep things fresh and welcome the new guys (and gals).
Been busy with other things. Recent events, make bacon (really good), in process of making Canadian bacon the curing stage. Smoke day is Saturday for the cb. Need to make some ribs soon. I used meatheads (amazing ribs) recipe for both the bacon and Canadian bacon.