What thermometer ?


New member
Hello, I was just thinking  about this and had a question.  I just got the #2Dr and I haven't got to use it yet. I'm assuming  it comes with a  temp gauge  for the meat and the cabinet. .. what do you guys use for a second thermometer  for the times you have more than one meat to monitor?
I purchased a ThermaQ from Thermoworks.  I have not used it yet.  Most here report they use the Maverick with great success.
Laura, I use a Chef Alarm by Thermoworks. I also have a Thermo Pop instant read thermometer by Thermoworks.
I use the Thermoworks BlueTherm Duo. Works like a champ. I absolutely love it. Also have a Thermoworks ChefAlarm and ThermaPen. All of their stuff is fantastic.