What the ????

So my local grocery store had this really cute 2 pound bit of pork butt on sale, and I had to buy it.  I gave it the usual mustard and dry rub marinade, but didn't brine it, and an overnight in the fridge to "get happy", and put it in the smoker at 4:30 pm.  Smoker set at 225 degrees.  it is now 3:00 am, and I took it out, but the internal temp is only 180 degrees.  My maverick says that the smoker temp was between 230 and 215, but why did it take over 10 hours for a 2 pound piece of meat and still not get up to 195 degrees?  Ambient temp around freezing. 
It has been documented here quite a bit that small cuts of meat proportionately take a LONG time to smoke and the results usually are not as good as a larger cut.

I understand the allure of picking up a small cut for a quick smoke, but you would be way better off to stick with 7+ pound pork butts in the future.
I think there are a combination of factors. I just finished an ~13 lb packer brisket and was expecting it to take ~12 hours like the first one I did (which was ~12 lbs). This go around it cooked for damn near 24 hours! And I brined AND injected it beforehand! Guess I need to raise the cow myself and massage it daily (Kobe beef!) for consistency... But that would defeat the purposes of Lazy-Q.

I once had a 6.5lb butt take 26 hours but you have got me beaten-yours took five hours per pound, mine only took four. I don't think that any of us really know why. The larger butts all seem to be in the 1-2 hour/lb range and, imo, eat better. Cook larger butts, invest in a vacuum sealer, freeze and reheat leftovers. Leftovers are the laziest Q of all!

Having some brisket for dinner tonight. When I sliced this morning (8 hour rest) it was pretty tasty sampling a few bites. I think it was more dry than my first brisket though.


That's my HeaterMeter PID controller. You can read about it here:

I just changed some scripts to make it look pretty on the webpage graphics. Flames and cleaner sections I prefer more than the default it had.
TmanEater said:
Guess I need to raise the cow myself and massage it daily (Kobe beef!) for consistency... But that would defeat the purposes of Lazy-Q.

Tony, nothing that involves beer and massage (Kobe beef) ever violates Lazy Q! ;) lol! ;D  Wonder if you could raise a Kobe pig? 
DivotMaker said:
TmanEater said:
Guess I need to raise the cow myself and massage it daily (Kobe beef!) for consistency... But that would defeat the purposes of Lazy-Q.

Tony, nothing that involves beer and massage (Kobe beef) ever violates Lazy Q! ;) lol! ;D  Wonder if you could raise a Kobe pig? 

I guess it depends who's giving and receiving the massage!