What temperature would you recommend?


New member
I am going to be smoking a ribeye roast for a small dinner gathering.  The general consensus is that everyone likes the doneness to be medium to medium-well.  My plan is to let the roast rest for a couple of hours in a cooler after it's done.  My question is should I pull it from the smoker at 140 degrees to get a medium temp or should the temperature be higher when I pull it?  I have looked on the internet but it seems I get ranges from 130 to 150.
A lot of beef eaters aren't used to eating smoked roasts.  You can get a very firm pink edge to edge with a slow smoked roast that no one would think is raw.  That said, I'd pull at 140 if you were going to let it rest as long as you say.  There will be very little pink to almost all brown by the time you serve. 
If you want pink medium, edge to edge, smoke it at 200-210 until the internal temp is 135-140.  Don't worry about the outside; we'll deal with that in a minute.  Remove the roast and double-wrap in HD foil, place in a cooler with a folded towel below and above for your hold time.  Before you remove the roast, heat your oven to 500+ degrees.  When the oven is good and hot, remove the roast and place on a cooking rack in a pan.  Reverse-sear the outside in the oven, just before serving.  This only takes about 5-8 minutes.  This will not further cook the interior, but will just brown the exterior.  Since the roast is already rested, no need to wait.  Slice and serve!  Here's an example of the method I use on roasts and prime rib (done to medium-rare, though):

Christmas Prime Rib
Another thing you can do, if you do have some folks who like their beef medium-rare to medium, is smoke it to 130, then follow the procedures I outlined.  Once you slice it, anyone wanting their beef murdered, oops, "medium-well," you can throw their slices on a hot grill for a few minutes per side.  You can always cook more, but you sure can't un-cook too done!