What should I do???


New member
Ok got a 11 pound packer in the smoker. Put it in at 4.20 am. Its 11.32 am now . Meat is at 165. IT. I wanted to wrap in pink butcher paper and hopefully have it done by 3 pm then rest  it.2 hours . Here is my issue I usually have fantastic bark. I opened it up to wrap it and it had no bark at all, it just looks wet and moist. I have a water pan in it as usual, and it did rain today so it's humid.. i hate to wrap it with no bark developed, but I need it done for supper what should I do?  I probably should have pulled out the water pan when I had the door open. I hate to open it again to take it out.
Laura, in my opinion, the only way you are going to have it done when you want it is to wrap it and try to figure out why your bark is not like you want later. Not much you can do about that at this point. My prediction is that if you wrap it now and finish it to temp then you will still have one tasty piece of meat.
Ok, thank you I wrapped it in pink papper. At put it back in. It was starting to develop a crust. It is so weird when I need a brisket to get done they go long and if I give a brisket more than enough time to get done they finish way way to soon lol.. I just can't win. Of course the temp dropped down to 163 while I messed with it.
Sounds to me like the added humidity prevented the bark from forming. It may have even 'washed off' some/most of your rub as well.  On your next smoke if the weather is humid/rainy,  skip the water pan and see if you get bark.
Exactly what I was thinking Sarge. Now it's setting at 163 and that sucker needs to be done by 4 pm. It's 12.36 pm right now . Im feeling worried. Usually mine finish so fast I have to hold them in the cooler for 6 hours.
Laura, you didn't mention what temp you were running but bump it all the way to 250 degrees and that should speed up the time with out any problems.
Grampy yes thank you, I cranked it all the way up when I wrapped it. I've pulled out of the stall and the temp is climbing fast... I think I'm going to be ok thank you.
Its alawys humid in Louisiana. I think these units are not susceptible to the outside weather conditions. Its clear, from our posters, the outside temperature variations, from substantial negatives to very high, have no effect on these units. I dont think the humidity does either, based on my experiences. I would bet your issue comes from another angle.
I really don't get the obsession with bark on brisket. Bark on ribs or butt...yes. If bark on brisket is what you are going for...why bother to wrap it? In the SI, wrapping is optional, and if you want bark, wrapping would not be recommended. Achieving bark, then wrapping in butcher paper for the final part of the cook is more of an offset smoker technique. Bark on brisket is my absolute last concern with brisket. I want juicy, floppy, squishy gelatinous slices, that just barely hold together under their own weight. I don't want a dry crust on my brisket (unless it's burnt ends). What I want is a nice caramelized crust from the rub, but not dry like bark. Any "bark" is going to sog out during the rest anyway. And your brisket will just seem "dry" overall, because you put bark before moisture. Save the bark concerns for the pork products.
Walt said:
Its alawys humid in Louisiana. I think these units are not susceptible to the outside weather conditions. Its clear, from our posters, the outside temperature variations, from substantial negatives to very high, have no effect on these units. I dont think the humidity does either, based on my experiences. I would bet your issue comes from another angle.

I'm sure you are right Walt.  I was leaning towards humid air being drawn in through the bottom drain hole as part of the chimney effect/convection.  Was just a thought.