What is the difference between....


St Louis-style is the spare ribs, with the tips trimmed off.  The spares are the lower portion of the ribs.  The baby backs (or just "back ribs") come from the higher part of the ribs, near the spine.  They are typically meatier, and leaner, hence the higher price.  I love both, but prefer the baby backs.
Simple explanation is Baby Backs, are Pork Cop Bones with the chops cut off.

The Loin runs from the neck to the hip of the hog. "Boneless Pork Loin" is this section of meat cut off the bones. The spine is then cut away from the ribs. those ribs are again cut about 4.5 to 5 inches down the side of the hog. That is the "Baby Back Ribs" You can only have 2 sets of "Baby back" ribs per hog, one on either side of the spine.

Cut again 5 inches lower and you have "St Louis Cut" Spare Ribs. ST. Louis are squared off on both ends and are very even in shape. The bone is more dense as it is all rib, nothing is tapering to attach to the spine. If a pig is deep enough from back to belly you could cut more than one section of St. Louis ribs from each side.

The bottom section of the ribs where they attach to the sternum are cut of in long tapered strips. These are called "Rib Tips" Tips can be excellent eating. They take a long smoke to break down the layers of connective tissue. Tips are then chopped in finger food size bits. There is lots of nibbling to get around the cartilage and bone bits but it is worth it. Tips used to be a great value but have gone up in price.