Well it's cold in Wisconsin


New member
Well I was smoking twopork shoulders at about 8pounds each.  When it gets below 40 degrees I can't keep my #2 hotter than about 215 degrees.  Just curious if anyone has used Aubers new wifi PID?


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I have smoked with my #2 in the teens without a problem and we have some documentation from up north as low as -20 if I recall, with no issue. @ 215 it will get you there, eventually but you should not have an issue with these units at those temperatures.
It's been struggling to get above zero in Wisconsin these last few days. I haven't noticed any trouble with mine in cold weather, but I have a #1, so smaller box to heat up (but also smaller element). Your smoker does look well-loved. I would definitely look into replacing your element with a larger one, if yours is an older model with the smaller element. I don't think it's difficult to do. Maybe order a new knob too while you are at it (you might need to call Steve for this.) Lots of parts are replaceable on these smokers, so they really last.
SuperDave, it's about 3 or so years old. It gets used probably twice a month and almost every weekend in the summer.  January and February are a little slower on the use.
It looks like the 800 watt element started being standard in about  January of 2015. If you bought before that, you might have the 700 watt element. Some easy stuff to look at would be to take the back off and see the quality of the connections at the element.
I have smoked my #2 with the 700w element down to 0 degrees with no problems. Sounds like you might be having something else going on.