virgin smoker/ redriders99


New member
Hi all,
Rr99 here in Valley Forge Pa area. Just broke in my lil guy yesterday. Now working on a rack of ribs. Dry rub n fridge overnight. 1&1/2 hick. dowels. Smoke seen at 187#. Took 1 hr. Using redi check maverick Et-732. Into cooking 1  hr now with temp set at 225. Temp just shot up to 230, turned down to 220 and volcano of smoke settled down.

Any thoughts on why this happens? By the way, using 20ft heavy duty ext cord.

Sent from my kindle hd, pool side. Hopeto add photos

Retired. US Army.

Sounds like you're off to a good start.  The temp swing is normal for any analog electric smoker ... while a computer control unit you'll see less variance but I'd also argue that internal food temp and final temp are the primary indicators of success so you're on track in my opinion.

As far as the smoke issue, I typically see smoke within 15 minutes of start time.  Smoke will burn white/grey for a few minutes, then should disappear into a very faint, wispy blue smoke that is difficult to see unless it comes rushing out when you open the door; this is your optimal smoke.

The extension cord isn't the best solution as you'll see some potential voltage drop due to the resistance (the longer the run and the type/condition of the cord).  If you've got a spot accessible for direct plug to the outlet I'd move the smoker ...

Best of luck with the smoke; be sure to post some pics!
Tx joe.
Loss of power was understood when i started up. Can plug into regular outlet directly. Testing differences with the ext cord (heavy duty)' On final hour soon, will unwrap and cookfor about an hour more, alum foil and apple juice was added. Also, has 1/2 cup of apple juice in tray. Smells gr8t so far. Trying to not get smoke aroma too near house, 4 dogs sniffing up a storm yesterday when ibroke in the unit. Every time i get smoke scent onmemy dogs think i am dinner :)  :)

Will get a few pick from phone and figure outhow to post here.

Redriders 99
I have a #2 and typically see temp swings of +/-15 degrees or so from the setting, so when I set for 225, I am not surprised to see Maverick readings from 210 to 240.  No worries, though, it tends to average out in the long run.

Like UW, I see heavy some after about 15 minutes and 180F or so.  I normally reach the desired temp (like 225) within 30-40 minutes, although it can take longer with large loads.      For some reason, after about 30 minutes in, the smoke will belch a few times (don't know any other way to put it), and then the smoke returns to a steady smoke until fading out to the thin blue smoke (usually within the first hour).

Hopes this helps...welcome aboard!
Just took ribs out of foil. Sloppy, forgot the juices in the foil and spilled some on the brick patio,hard to keep the dogs away  :-\ Last hour now with bbq sauce on ribs, snuck a little taste. OMG, it was soo good

Definitely hooked. Smoking is definitely the way to go
Bye bye weber gas grill.

Sorryfor previous spellings,kindle spell check sks.

Yeah, I messed up on the juices running out of the foil as well!    Glad to hear that they are tasty, but not surprised.    Another good member of our forum has suggested that the foiling step can be skipped and just let the ribs go for 5 hours untouched.  I have to admit that the foiling/apple juice part of ribs on the 2-2-1 method is something I don't like, so I am going to try the straight 5 hour method on my next rib smoke.

Enjoy!  And again, welcome to the club!
Red, the best thing about any sealed smoker like a Smokin-It is that foiling isn't necessary; it is great but you've got some latitude.

Also, don't stop using your grill ... smoking the ribs (foiled or unfoiled) and then finishing them over medium high direct heat to quickly carmelize the sauce you put on REALLY sends this under the top; if you don't want to fire up the grill, throw them under the broiler on normal for 8-10 minutes on the middle shelf.
Congrats on your first smoke, Red!  The more you use your little jewel, the more you'll appreciate the simple perfection of these!  Like Joe said, don't pitch that Weber gas grill just yet...  I have a 15 year-old Genesis 1000 that still sees plenty of action!  The smoker has it's place, but can't compare for grilling steaks or whatever!  Also great for finishing ribs or other Q from the smoker!  I reverse-sear pork loin on the grill after it smokes, and it is incredible!  Right tool for the job, imho.
To All of you guys, thanks for the kind greetings and helpfull ideas.

Well I guess the weber stays...relunctantly:)

I finally made my 1st batch of ribs. Just a tad dry but what a wonderfull taste. My mouth actually watered on the fisrt bite.  ::)

Took a few pictures to add to this thread, as you can see I had a nice Bark (no pun intended when you view the last  pic's).

Had quiet an audience to view my 1st attempt of this sort. Wonder what got their immediate attention?? Hmmmmmmmmmm. Now I wonder.


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Those look outstanding (and look pretty juicy, actually).  If you are having some minor dryness issues, you may want to try a compound butter as as the bonding agent for the rub or using a water pan with apple juice in the smoker; it will evaporate by about 1/2 and keep the inside of the smoker quite humid during the duration of your smoke.

Nice job with your first rack, Red!
Those look great, Red!  I agree they look pretty juicy.  Bet those dogs wouldn't have thought they were too dry!  Mine thinks rib bones are like doggie crack!  Full-blood English mastiff (190 lbs), so he goes through them like we go through carrot sticks! :P

Great job on some pretty thick-cut ribs!