Vinyl Cover for Model #1

Brisket Bob

New member
Good afternoon.

I wanted to see if I could get some feedback on the Vinyl Cover I received when I bought my smoker last week.  I have been extremely happy with the construction of the smoker itself, however, the cover leaves something to be desired.  I live in Chicago and would like to leave this on my back patio in the non-winter months.  Can people vouch for the effectiveness of the cover to stop rain penetration?  Do you just use the cover on its own or do you supplement it with another tarp (any recommendation on specific secondary products).  I currently have an extra tarp on it, but it is an eye-sore (according to my wife....and she is always right :).

Perhaps I am over-thinking this, but I don't want anything bad to hurt the new addition to the family.  Thank you in advance for your help.

(working on becoming) Brisket Bob
The black cover does well for me, but I keep mine on a covered porch.  I've never tested it in the driving rain.  Hopefully, someone who has will chime in.
One thing I might add, is whatever cover you choose, do the "chinstrap" modification.  This should be a factory standard, but isn't yet.  I've found any amount of wind will lift these covers right off the smoker, and you'll end up chasing them across the yard!

I keep my #2 on my deck here in MN. I sprayed it with a scotch guard like solution and the water beads right off in fact its raining/ snowing right now. If it works in our MN. weather it will hold up anywhere. Don't forget to add the strap mine cost 1.89 at walmart took about 15 minutes to sew it on.