Use of parchment paper in SI #3

Big daddy smoke

New member
Merry Christmas everyone! I'm about to start my second  packer.  First one, flat turned out a little on the dry side, point turned out incredible! So my mission is to improve on the flat. I've read Diviot maker & SconnieQ have differences about cap side up or down and highly respect both. Still not sure about making cap up or down. My next question is, can you use parchment paper instead butcher paper (i do not have any available) to wrap the flat in the SI to help retain juices? Is this a good or bad idea for the flat? If good, should I separate the flat from the point before smoking and use for two racks the smoke? or keep whole and wrap just the flat up to the point? At this point, the packer has been injected and is currently swimming in the brine bucket. The packer is bout 18 pounds. dinner time is 3PM Christmas day. Also I just received my Auber PID!!! Man i'm like a kid in the candy shop and cant wait to use it! After reading more about the Auber, i see everyone likes the idea of mounting through the back wall. I don't have one yet,  can I auto tune with the probe that came with the Auber just hanging until  I will order the wall mount on Monday. Also, can I use the meat probe for the auber without auto tuning or is it necessary to program the Abuer  if just using for internal tempeture?Thank you, and Merry Christmas! 
I know this response is too late, but here are my thoughts on this (without entering the fat cap up/down quandary):

Since you have a #3, you should be able to smoke the full packer whole and that is what I would do. I would NOT cut the point away from the flat.

What I would do is place the Point end toward the rear of your smoker, because that is where most #3s have their element hotspots (adjust accordingly if your hotspot is different).

You can certainly use parchment paper or butcher paper, but I have never had the need to do so with my Prime brined briskets that I get from Costco. If you have a Costco near you, their brisket prices/quality are pretty tough to beat. They are so good that I am pretty sure Kari doesn't even brine hers. I do, just because it is so easy to do and I am used to doing it with my Boston Butts.

Ideally, your Point would hit the upper 190's or lower 200's when your Flat hits 190-195. The internal temp numbers for briskets are mere guidelines as the look and more importantly feel are the most accurate way of telling when your brisket is done.
True, I do not brine the Prime briskets from Costco. Although, it certainly would not hurt. I cut my briskets in half, because I have a #1. The two level smoke in the small size box actually works quite well. The point on the shelf below shields the flat against the more intense heat, which is quite close to the point in the #1. But if you have a #3, then you should smoke it whole, with the point toward the back like Gregg says. I don't wrap anything either in the SI. I don't find it necessary, but if you want to wrap, parchment paper seems like it would work fine. I don't have any experience using it for wrapping in the SI, but you shouldn't have any trouble with it burning. It might end up a little more soggy than butcher paper would, since it is probably not as thick, but I think it would be okay.