Up in smoke and loving it!


New member
Hello All;

Divot Maker suggested I introduce myself while I watch smoke tendrils waft from my Model 2 in the back yard.  Although I have had my smoker for about a year and a half, this is my first Boston Butt.  I'm doing it without a thermometer but after spending this morning on the forum, I was compelled to buy the Maverick thermometer from Smokin'-it and it's on its way.

I have been extremely successful smoking salmon with the Model 2 over the last year. I can smoke 15 pounds of it at a time and everyone who tastes it, says it is the best smoked salmon that they have ever had.  A vacuum sealed chunk of salmon makes an awesome Christmas gift- eliminating the dreaded X-mas shopping from my life!

As for me, I am an outdoor cooking nut.  I have spent the better part of three decades exploring and camping in the mountains and deserts of California via my 4WD truck.  I have been experimenting with and perfecting outdoor cooking techniques and recipes with my camping buddies on many types of heat sources including Weber BBQ's, Camp Chef propane stoves and of course, my favorite, the campfire.  Smoking is relatively new to me and I expect it will take several years before I get it down to a science. This forum will definitely take a few years off that process.

Along the way, through a whole lot of tinkering, I developed a totally new and unique portable outdoor griddle that is called The Mojoe Griddle.  If any of you are interested, you can check it out at www.mojoeoutfitters.com .

I look forward to having many hours go up in smoke on this forum.

Welcome, again, Cam!  Sounds like we're in for some good Cali Q recipes!  I'm originally from Fullerton, so I know what I'm missing!

By the way, I have a Boston butt in the #1 today, too!  I brined mine last night, and put it on at 5 am (ouch).  7 1/2 hours in it's at 181, firmly in the stall!  Going for 200, then wrap/rest/pull! 
Thanks Tony,  My Boston Butt it 8 lbs. and I put it in at 6:00 this morning.  I have some guests coming over this evening so ready-or-not, its coming out of the smoker by 6:00pm.  Do you have any tips on checking doneness (is that a word?  Spell check doesn't think so.) without a thermometer?  I'm hesitant to keep opening the door and poking it with a fork.

BTW, I just whipped up a batch of your BBQ sauce and it's simmering on the stove right now.
Cam, with an 8 pounder, you should be about right at 9-12 hours, depending on how true your smoker holds temp.  You'll love the Maverick, especially on these long smokes!  No guessing, just accurate internal temp!  If I didn't have a thermometer, I'd probably start checking with a fork around 10 hours.  You'll feel it if it's tender, and pulls apart easily.  When it does, wrap in a couple of layers of foil and let it rest in a cooler (or cover with towels) for 30-min to an hour.  It will pull easily, and be moist.  Kind of guesswork without a thermometer, but you should be able to judge the tenderness.  Poke it with a fork and give it a little twist.

Let me know what you think of the St Louis sauce! 
Let me add one more thing about butts, Cam.  Pulled pork is one of my family's favorites, so I do them often.  The Maverick will help you a lot with them, as internal temp is all over the page with butts.  I've smoked the same size butts (usually 9-10 lbs) with very different results!  I've had ones go about 1 hour per pound, and some that have taken 2 hours per pound!  That general 1 1/2 hours per pound rule is just that - general.  There's so much difference in every cut of meat; the amount of fat, density of muscle, and connective tissue, that everything makes a difference!  Bottom line - the Maverick will simplify your (smoking) life!
Just as a reference, Cam, I just took a 9 lb butt out of the smoker at 11 1/2 hours.  It hit 200, so it's wrapped and resting in the cooler!  See what I mean about time?  This one was less than the 1 1/2 hours per pound rule...you just don't know without a thermometer in the meat!
well, I just checked the internal temp of the butt with an old meat thermometer and it only came up to 175.  This, after 10.5 hours.  I just cranked up the Smokin'-it to max warp.  She's givin' it all she's got, Captain.
Your butt may be in the process of stalling. I call it the porker's revenge. You're ready and it is dragging hocks.
The butt turned out awesome.  It pulled with just a little effort but was moist, tender and tasty all the same.

Tony, the sauce was a little too ketchupy for my taste so I modified it with some chopped onions, blue moon ale, pepper and chicken stock.  Turned out perfect!
