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New member
Congratulations!  Your new "Best Q Friend" has finally arrived!  Here's a few unpacking tips:

  • Carefully remove the outer box (it's double-boxed)
  • Open the inner box to reveal your new smoker!
  • Remove any visible Styrofoam and cardboard from the outside
  • Open the door, and remove the inner contents.  You should have shelves, a bag of hickory dowels, and hardware bag with casters and wrenches, and a lot of cardboard and more Styrofoam!  Make sure to get all the packing material out.  Some models may even have a small piece of cardboard over the temperature sensor on the back wall (above the smoke box); make sure to remove it!
  • Vacuum the inside out to get all the little Styrofoam beads out - we don't want them to melt in there!
  • Install the casters on the 4 legs.  Screw them in, by hand, then tighten with the supplied wrench.
Now that you've unpacked your smoker, and have removed ALL the packing material, it's time to season the smoker!  See the next post on "Seasoning" to get started.
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