Two Briskets in the SI2


New member
I am planning on making two briskets for a family barbecue on Saturday.  One is 7.5 lbs and the other is 9 lbs, which were the two biggest I could get today.  I have 29 people (15 kids - teenagers & kids).  I also plan on making some other items - chicken cutlets, some sort of burgers, etc.  I have people coming over at 3:00 pm and plan on serving dinner between 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm.

1.  Does it seem like enough meat (brisket only)?
2.  Thoughts on when I should start the smoking?  I am going to dry rub them and let them cure for 8-24 hours.  In the pre-SI days, I used to do them off heat and regularly mop it on the hour but I plan on removing that step and just keep the door closed.  Unless someone thinks I should open it at some point.
3.  Should I consider rotating the briskets? My plan was to put the heavier one on the bottom and cook them on the 2nd and 3rd racks.

Any other thoughts or advice would be appreciated.

I am not sure if this is enough brisket since that depends on how hungry people are and how you plan to serve it.  Nevertheless, you have quite a bit to smoke and serve!  Here's my experience with takes about 1-1.25 per pound to get to 190IT, and you need to allow for the rest period (at least two hours if possible).  So, with the 9# brisket, you might want to allow 12 hours for smoking and 2 hours rest, so roughly 13-14 hours.  The smaller may finish sooner, so you will want to check after 10 hours or so.  They can easily rest in a cooler double-wrapped in foil for more than 2 hours, so my time estimates are designed to overestimate what will be needed.  I smoke brisket at 235-240F.  I would not bother rotating the briskets since they are sloe in size, but I agree that the larger should be on the bottom.  You might also want to put them in fat cap down, but opinions vary on that.

Let us know how they turn out.

Steve gave you a solid plan.  I will add that I don't think that amount of brisket will feed 29 folks, if that's the only meat.  You'll lose about 40% of weight by the time they're done, so you're probably only looking at around 10 lbs of cooked brisket.  It may make it, if not everyone eats brisket, but since you're making burgers and chicken, you'll be fine.

I'd plan on getting them in early morning, tomorrow (like around midnight/1 am).  Even though there are 2, they would cook like a single.  I think you'll see 9-11 hours (I smoke mine at 225, with a water pan on the floor of the smoker, and about 6 oz of hickory, mesquite or oak).  Then, double-wrap in foil and place in an empty cooler, with a towel in the bottom.  Then place another towel on top, and let them rest for at least an hour.  Longer is OK, if they're done early (3-5 hours, like that, is no problem).

I also wouldn't rotate them, just put the biggest one on bottom, fat-side down.

Let us know how else we can help!!
Thanks for the advice boys. I ended up getting another brisket that weighs 11 pounds, so the little guy went into the freezer for another day.  I just put them in about 20 minutes ago. 1:00 am.


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Just received my SI2 Monday, seasoned it back to back days and smoked a spatched chicken last night (very good). I mention this because I'm a noob to this model, and doing the same cook, (2 briskets, 7.5/3.5) as mentioned above. I've never left a smoker alone over night for 5-6 hours before, and am interested to see how this turns out. Hoping I can close the door round 1 a.m. Not panic to catch some Z's. Should I plan to mop, set a timer for a visit or two, or just leave it closed, probe thermometer in, and not check on em.

Hope your cook went great!

P.s. I've got double fileted sugar maple and white oak from smokelicious, and a small amount of SI hickory left. what are your weights and/or combo for said briskets? Thanks.
5-6 oz for the smoke, I use oak for beef but hickory or a mix is great. Put a small water pan next to the wood box for moisture. Then sleep well. No need for mopping.  :)
I used about 6 oz. of hickory for them.  I just pulled the 11 pound one, which was on the bottom.  The 9 pound one hit the stall but is starting to climb now. Picture of the larger one.


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That's money, there, Adam!  Looks really good!  (btw...might as well put your name and town in your signature line, so everyone knows your name ;) ). 
Thanks Tony.  Here's the second one. Both were outstanding. Too much going on to take pictures of the sliced product but it fell apart at the right places and stayed whole in others.  Thanks for all the help from everyone!


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