Two briskest in the #3


New member
Putting 2 13# briskets in at midnight for a New Years Eve party. Planning on 15 hours at 235. They have been in the fridge all day with the normal beef rub. Equal parts onion and garlic powder, pabrika, black pepper, and kosher salt. Plan to put the temp probe in the bottom brisket and check both when it hits 195IT. All three briskets I have done in this smoker have been great so far but have never done 2 at once. Hope all goes well. Will let you know how it goes. Pictures soon to come. Will be using a water pan 3/4 full. Hope that is enough.
Ok. 11 hours in and IT sitting at 185. I used 2 oz cherry and 4 oz hickory. If it tastes as good as it smells it is going to be good. I'll post the exact time it took when it hits 195. Happy New Years!
Not sure Dave. I just have the Maverick probe in the bottom one and I plan to check the IT of the top one when I open the smoker after the bottom one hits 195.
I cooked 24# of brisket (two 12# flats) in my #2 recently. Set the auber to 225 & to reduce heat to 140 upon reaching an IT of 195. Expecting a continued rise of 5 to 8 more degrees since the heat isnt bled off by opening doors. I checked the box 15 hours later & the cooldown was well on its way. Box temp 140 & IT 165 & dropping. I dont really find an increase in time is required for larger meat loads although I understand the concern. Still between 1 to 1.25 hours per pound for brined & injected bruskets. Briskets were absolutely perfect. One was used for a Santa on the Bayou party where he arrives by boat with a lighted entourage and fed brisket sandwiches with chipolte aioli & pickled onion, serrano & cabbage slaw on fresh baguettes. The other was served in a similar fashion to a cancer infusion center. There were no leftovers & a great deal of compliments. You should have great success, as well. Good luck.
Wow! I am surprised. Glad I put the Maverick probe in the bottom one. I pulled the bottom one at 196 IT after 13.5 hours. I guess it shielded heat from getting to the top one because it's  IT was 174. Wrapped the bottom one with foil and a towel and now resting in the Yeti. I'll let you know how much longer the top one takes. Currently setting at 180 IT. Have any of you experienced this before?
IRGoode said:
Wow! I am surprised. Glad I put the Maverick probe in the bottom one. I pulled the bottom one at 196 IT after 13.5 hours. I guess it shielded heat from getting to the top one because it's  IT was 174. Wrapped the bottom one with foil and a towel and now resting in the Yeti. I'll let you know how much longer the top one takes. Currently setting at 180 IT. Have any of you experienced this before?
That is what I was expecting. 